Daily Archives: October 30, 2014

Dao Interested in Reviewers of Chinese Books

BAI Tongdong, professor at Fundan University, is in charge of reviews of Chinese-language books for Dao. He recently sent around a list of new books in which he is potentially interested in a review. Anyone interested in reviewing one of these books, please contact Prof. Bai directly. In addition, I thought that many readers might be interested in Prof. Bai’s list of these books, so it is posted below.

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New Analects Translation

Penguin has recently brought out a new translation of, and commentary on, the Analects, by Annping Chin. The Amazon page is here, at which one can get a good sense of the format and goals of this new translation. Considerable comentary is appended after each passage, with a combination of Chin’s own thoughts and comments from mostly post-Song (primarily Qing to the present) scholars. Chinese text is provided in an appendix. Anyone have any thoughts on this new translation?