Suggestions needed for ‘harmony’ in Confucian thought

I’m seeking suggestions for scenarios, accounts or conversations where ‘harmony’ between self and elements of social/political life may be detected. I’m looking at texts associated with the Confucian tradition, including the histories, from Han and before. I am aware this is an interpretive matter and, at this stage, I’m keen to keep the casting net as wide as possible. One quick example that comes to mind is the Lunyu‘s 和而不同 or the Zuozhuan‘s soup (左传·昭公二十年). But there will be much more beyond quips like this. I’m also keen to look at accounts where terms like 和 (or ones that suggest it, e.g. 由 (A1.12) or 從 (A4.18)) are not present but where the idea of harmony – and its implications – emerges from the turn of events described in the passage.

Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Karyn Lai