CFP: Chinese Studies Association of Australia Conference

Call for Papers: Chinese Studies Association of Australia 15th Biennial Conference

Chinese values and counter-values: past and present

Monday 10 – Wednesday 12 July, 2017

Macquarie University, Sydney

Throughout history, various values have been defined, promoted, contested and defended as distinctively Chinese. The Chinese Studies Association of Australia cordially invites proposals in any area of Chinese Studies for individual or joint papers or for panels. Contributions addressing the analysis of Chinese values, from ancient times to the present, are especially welcome. We look forward to putting together a wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary montage of the best research in Chinese Studies being done both in Australia and overseas.

The conference welcomes presentations in English and Chinese. Abstracts for proposed papers, panel themes and roundtables should not exceed 200 words.

Conference languages: English and Chinese

Closing date for submissions: 28 February, 2017

Please submit your proposal/abstract including paper title, authors’ affiliation and contact details, and a short bio (approx. 50 words) or enquiries to

Further details will be published on the CSAA website:

The CSAA is the professional association for China specialists and post-graduate students in Australia, and is affiliated with the Asian Studies Association of Australia.




悉尼 麥考瑞大學


澳大利亞中國研究協會(CSAA)以研究中國學術為宗,由澳大利亞之中國研究專家、學者與研究生組成,自1991年創立迄今,忝為澳洲專事中國研究之重要學术組織。本會將於2017年7月10 -12日於悉尼麥考瑞大學召開第十五屆雙年會。會議主題為:「鑒古論今——中國古今價值觀」。茲誠邀海內外中國研究專家與學者見惠相關論文並參加會議,冀薈萃四海之精英,交流各家之學說,共兌嚶嚶之麗澤,羅列郁郁之文章。會議討論形式包括個人發言和小組主題討論,以英語或中文發表論文及發言皆可。請於2017年2月28日前把論文摘要(约200字)以及個人簡介含聯系方式(約50字)送交


Chinese Studies Association of Australia 15th Biennial Conference Organizing Committee:

  • A/Prof. Shirley Chan, Macquarie University (President, CSAA),
  • Dr Derek Herforth, University of Sydney (Secretary, CSAA),
  • Mr Wai-hung Lam, Macquarie University (Treasurer, CSAA),
  • Dr Mark Strange, Australian National University (Council member, CSAA),
  • Dr Nathan Woolley, Australian National University (Council member, CSAA).

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