About baitongdong

Dr. Tongdong Bai is a full professor and the Shanghai Dongfang Chair Professor at the School of Philosophy at Fudan University in China. He held a bachelor degree in nuclear physics and a master degree in the philosophy of science from Peking University, and obtained his doctoral degree in philosophy from Boston University. He was a tenured associate professor at Xavier University in Cincinnati before he moved to Fudan. He was the first and so far the only tenured philosophy teacher from the U.S. who has returned to China as a full time faculty member. His research interests include Chinese philosophy and political philosophy, especially the comparative and contemporary relevance of classical Chinese political philosophy. He has published many articles in some prestigious journals in these areas, and has a book out in Chinese by the Peking University Press, A New Mission of an Old State: the Comparative and Contemporary Relevance of Classical Confucian Political Philosophy. The English and revised version of this book is now under review for its publication in the English-speaking world. He has also finished an introduction to traditional Chinese political philosophy that is presented from a comparative perspective, showing its contemporary relevance (China: The Middle Way of the Middle Kingdom), which is published by Zed Books in its “World Political Theories.” At Fudan, he launched an MA, Visiting Student, and Auditing program in Chinese philosophy with courses taught in English. This program is intended to promote the studies of Chinese philosophy in the world, and is targeted at students who wish to learn Chinese philosophy, but whose Chinese is not good enough yet for them to do so in Chinese. Approaching the second year of its establishment, the program is the most successful program of its kind in China, with students and applicants who major in philosophy, classical studies, East Asian studies, and etc., and who have the honor of Summa Cum Laude or study at the honor programs from their colleges that include Oxford, Columbia, Toronto, Leiden, Tel Aviv, and etc. Dr. Bai can be reached at: baitongdong@gmail.com

English-based MA and one-year visiting programs in Chinese philosophy at Fudan

Dear friends,

Thanks to your support, since it was launched in 2011, the MA and Visiting programs in Chinese philosophy (with courses taught in English) at Fudan have been extremely successful. Despite the pandemic that seriously affected the enrollment, 131 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (106 students) and the visiting student program (25 students). They are from 38 countries, with student from North America and Europe forming the majority of the student body, and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in philosophy, classics, and/or East Asian or Chinese studies. The above facts make these programs simply the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China.

The program boasts perhaps the largest community of English-speaking postgraduate students interested in Chinese philosophy in the world, a community our students have enjoyed greatly.  The comprehensiveness and specialization of our curriculum in Chinese philosophy are unmatched by other programs.  We have also assigned tutors to our students, helping them read classical Chinese texts, in addition to the normal language classes.  Because of the number and the quality of our students, our programs are a “favorite” of the university administration.  As a result, we have been EXTREMELY successful at securing fellowships for students applying for the MA program.  (For the visiting student program, only partial fellowships are available through Fudan, but students can apply through some external channels, like the Chinese Scholarship Council, the EU, Chinese consulates, Confucius Institutes, etc. Indeed, for students already in a doctoral program, they can take a look at this website for applying for a full fellowship to cover their stay in China: http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/csp as well as this website (this is for last year’s applications through Fudan, but the requirements should be roughly the same): https://www.ci.fudan.edu.cn/d1/2b/c38778a643371/page.htm )

To continue its success, I ask you to help us to distribute the information about the programs and encourage your students to apply.  If they are already in a doctoral program and wish to spend a year in China, they are also welcome. I’ll attach a flier to this email.  You can also directly go to the following website for more detailed information: https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/isoenglish/bc/7d/c16952a703613/page.htm

NB: the priority (scholarship) application’s deadline is much earlier than usual: Jan. 4.
Thank you, and be safe and well!

Happy Holidays!


English-based MA program in Chinese philosophy at Fudan

Since it was launched in 2011, the MA and Visiting programs in Chinese philosophy (with courses taught in English) at Fudan have been extremely successful. In spite of the pandemic that has seriously affected the enrollment, 124 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (102 students) and the visiting student program (22 students). They are from 38 countries, with students from North America and Europe forming the majority of the student body), and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in philosophy, classics, and/or East Asian or Chinese studies. The above facts make these programs simply the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China.

The program boasts perhaps the largest community of English-speaking postgraduate students interested in Chinese philosophy in the world, a community our students have enjoyed greatly. The comprehensiveness and specialization of our curriculum in Chinese philosophy are unmatched by other programs. We have also assigned tutors to our students, helping them read classical Chinese texts, in addition to the normal language classes. Because of the number and the quality of our students, our programs are a “favorite” of the university administration. As a result, we have been EXTREMELY successful at securing fellowships for students applying for the MA program. (For the visiting student program, only partial fellowships are available through Fudan, but students can apply through some external channels, like the Chinese Scholarship Council, the EU, Chinese consulates, Confucius Institutes, etc..)

To continue its success, I ask you to help us to distribute the information about the programs and encourage your students to apply. If they are already in a doctoral program and wish to spend a year in China, they are also welcome. You can go to the following website for more detailed information: https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/isoenglish/ce/4c/c16952a642636/page.htm

English-based MA and one-year visiting programs in Chinese philosophy at Fudan

Dear friends,

Thanks to your support, since it was launched in 2011, the MA and Visiting programs in Chinese philosophy (with courses taught in English) at Fudan have been extremely successful. In spite of the pandemic that has seriously affected the enrollment, 121 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (101 students) and the visiting student program (20 students). They are from 38 countries (the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Barbados, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Australia, the U.K., Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Russia, Israel, Turkey, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, and Gambia, with student from North America and Europe forming the majority of the student body), and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in philosophy, classics, and/or East Asian or Chinese studies. The above facts make these programs simply the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China.

The program boasts perhaps the largest community of English-speaking postgraduate students interested in Chinese philosophy in the world, a community our students have enjoyed greatly. The comprehensiveness and specialization of our curriculum in Chinese philosophy are unmatched by other programs. We have also assigned tutors to our students, helping them read classical Chinese texts, in addition to the normal language classes. Because of the number and the quality of our students, our programs are a “favorite” of the university administration. As a result, we have been EXTREMELY successful at securing fellowships for students applying for the MA program. (For the visiting student program, only partial fellowships are available through Fudan, but students can apply through some external channels, like the Chinese Scholarship Council, the EU, Chinese consulates, Confucius Institutes, etc..) One additional piece of good news is that students were already allowed into China, and given the recent development, the international travels to and from China should become normal in Fall 2023.

To continue its success, I ask you to help us to distribute the information about the programs and encourage your students to apply. If they are already in a doctoral program and wish to spend a year in China, they are also welcome. I’ll attach a flier to this email. You can also directly go to the following website for more detailed information: https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/isoenglish/41/98/c16952a475544/page.htm

Thank you, and be safe and well!

Happy Holidays!


Info. session for Fudan’s English-based MA program in Chinese Philosophy and Tongdong Bai’s Talk

17:30, Friday (Jan. 7, Beijing Time), my colleague and I will first offer an overview of programs at our department for non-Chinese students (especially the English-Taught MA and Visiting Program in Chinese Philosophy https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/08/2f/f2fbd7b54c9e896d5fe532b3b048/5eec2f38-196c-4a7a-a47d-f681c0b53583.pdf ). Then, at 17:50 or so, I’ll give a mini-talk on Montesquieu’s claim that China was a despotic country, followed by the Q&A about the programs and my talk.

Zoom Meeting ID: 857 9375 7432

Password: 225850

English-based MA program in Chinese Philosophy at Fudan University

MA and Visiting Student Programs in Chinese Philosophy With Courses Offered in English, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

These programs are aimed to offer opportunities of learning Chinese and studying Chinese philosophy to overseas postgraduates or college juniors and seniors who have not yet been able to master the Chinese language. In addition to Chinese language classes, these programs offer courses on Chinese philosophy as well as other related courses in English at Fudan University. Fudan University is a leading institution of higher education in China, and is experienced with and renowned for educating overseas students. The School of Philosophy at Fudan is a top philosophy program in China. The university is located in Shanghai, the most dynamic city in China that belongs to a region that is rich in Chinese traditions and cultures. It has been 11 years since these programs were launched in 2011, and 112 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (87 students) and the visiting student program (18 students). They are from 37 countries (the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Australia, the U.K., Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Russia, Israel, Turkey, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, and Gambia, with student from North America and Europe forming the majority of the student body), and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in philosophy, classics, and/or East Asian or Chinese studies. The above facts make these programs simply the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China.

M.A. Program: a two-year degree program, 36 credits (with 4 credits for 2 courses in Chinese Language) and a master thesis.
Visiting Student Program: a one-year program, 3-4 major courses, and 1-2 courses of Chinese, a certificate to be offered upon the completion.
Audit Program: individual-course-based program.

Tuition and Living Expenses: RMB 50,000 a year for tuition; on-campus housing: RMB 2,500 or so/month; meals at an on-campus dining facility: RMB 1,000 or so/month.

Scholarships and part-time jobs abundantly available.

Application Deadlines: March 19 (for scholarships) and May 1 (for admission).

For Further Information: https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/isoenglish/wnglishwtaughtwwrograms/list.htm and then click on “Master Program in Chinese Philosophy and Culture.pdf”
Or write to Mr. YU, Mingzhi (yumingzhi@fudan.edu.cn), Ms. PAN, Sisi (pansisi@fudan.edu.cn), and Prof. BAI, Tongdong baitongdong@fudan.edu.cn

English-based MA and Visiting Program in Chinese philosophy at Fudan

Dear friends,
Thanks to your support, since it was launched in 2011, the MA and Visiting programs in Chinese philosophy (with courses taught in English) at Fudan have been extremely successful.  105 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (87 students) and the visiting student program (18 students).  They are from 35 countries and from respected institutions of higher education, and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in (Western) philosophy, classics, East Asian or Chinese studies, international relations, political science, and etc. Therefore, either in terms of the quantity or the quality of the students, the Fudan programs simply are the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China.
The program boasts perhaps the largest community of English-speaking postgraduate students interested in Chinese philosophy in the world, a community our students have enjoyed greatly.  The comprehensiveness and specialization of our curriculum in Chinese philosophy are unmatched by other programs.  We have also assigned tutors to our students, helping them read classical Chinese texts, in addition to the normal language classes.  Because of the number and the quality of our students, our programs are a “favorite” of the university administration.  As a result, we have been EXTREMELY successful at securing fellowships for students applying for the MA program.  (For the visiting student program, only partial fellowships are available through Fudan, but students can apply through some external channels, like the Chinese Scholarship Council, the EU, Chinese consulates, Confucius Institutes, etc..)
To continue its success, I ask you to help us to distribute the information about the programs and encourage your students to apply.  If they are already in a doctoral program and wish to spend a year in China, they are also welcome. You can go to the following website for more detailed information: https://iso.fudan.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/b8/c0/cc82835d42f79cb393ae0822292b/847b99d0-bc54-4bc7-9040-bab8d5976a52.pdf
Thank you, and be safe and well!
Happy Holidays!

BAI Tongdong’s new book on Confucian alternatives to liberal democratic orders

My new book, Against Political Equality—The Confucian Case was just published by Princeton University Press.  In this book, I offer a viable political alternative to liberal democracy that is inspired by Confucian ideas.  In domestic governance, I argue that Confucianism can embrace the liberal aspects of democracy along with the democratic ideas of equal opportunities and governmental accountability to the people.  But Confucianism would give more political decision-making power to those with the moral, practical, and intellectual capacities of caring for the people. While most democratic thinkers still focus on strengthening equality to cure the ills of democracy, the proposed hybrid regime—made up of Confucian-inspired meritocratic elements with democratic elements and a quasiliberal system of laws and rights—recognizes that egalitarian elements are sometimes in conflict with good governance and the protection of liberties, and defends liberal aspects by restricting democratic ones.  I apply these views to the international realm by supporting a hierarchical order, the “Confucian New Tian Xia Order,” based on how humane each state is toward its own and other peoples, and the principle of international interventions under this order whereby humane responsibilities override sovereignty.


PUP’s official link: https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691195995/against-political-equality

(Enter discount code BAI1 on the PUP website to get 30% off, through June 30, 2020. *Shipping charges and local import fees apply*)


Amazon’s page:


English-based MA and Visiting Program in Chinese philosophy at Fudan

Dear friends,
Thanks to your support, since it was launched in 2011, the MA and Visiting programs in Chinese philosophy (with courses taught in English) at Fudan have been extremely successful. 99 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (81 students) and the visiting student program (18 students).  They are from 32 countries and from respected institutions of higher education, and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in (Western) philosophy, classics, East Asian or Chinese studies, international relations, political science, and etc. Therefore, either in terms of the quantity or the quality of the students, the Fudan programs simply are the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China.

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English-based MA and visiting programs in Chinese philosophy at Fudan

Dear friends,

Thanks to your support, since it was launched in 2011, the MA and Visiting programs in Chinese philosophy (with courses taught in English) at Fudan have been extremely successful. 72 students have been enrolled in either the M.A. program (60 students) and the visiting student program (12 students). They are from all over the world, and many of them are top students in their classes, majoring in philosophy, classics, and/or East Asian or Chinese studies. Therefore, either in terms of the quantity or the quality of the students, the Fudan programs simply are the most successful of their kind (English-based post-graduate programs in Chinese philosophy) in mainland China. Continue reading