Author Archives: Manyul Im

University of Bridgeport

CFP – Diversity and Rhetorical Traditions Conference

From Scott R. Stroud (University of Texas at Austin)

Call for Abstracts: American Society for the History of Rhetoric Symposium on “Diversity and Rhetorical Traditions”

May 31-June 1, 2018

Minneapolis, Minnesota

The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) invites paper proposals to be considered for our 2018 Symposium on “Diversity and Rhetorical Traditions.” The Symposium will be held on May 31-June 1, 2018 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, immediately prior to the Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference.

To be considered for the Symposium, please submit a one-page, single-spaced abstract to Dr. Scott Stroud ( by September 30, 2017. All submissions should relate to the Symposium theme discussed below, be composed in English, stripped of author identification for peer review, and submitted as either a Word document or a PDF. Authors will be notified about the status of their submissions by the end of the year.

There is no cost to attend the Symposium, although all presenters must be members of ASHR. If you are not currently a member, you will be given an opportunity to join if your paper is accepted. For more information on ASHR, membership, and rates, visit

Diversity and Rhetorical Traditions
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Some Plugin Issues

(UPDATE: Emailed post notifications seem to work just fine, as does the automatic feed to the Facebook page. It may be the Discussion topics plugin that is at issue. Check here later for further updates.)

Hello everyone,

Just so you are in the loop, our site is having an issue with some plugins so you won’t see some things, in particular, the discussion topics and the Facebook feed. Emailed post notifications might not work for the time being either. We will work on the issues and resolve as soon as possible. Other functions should be okay. Thank you for your patience and, as always, thank you for your interest in this site!

Manyul & Steve

Chung on the Upsides of Non-Specialists Teaching Asian Philosophy

There is a piece by Julianne Chung in the new volume of the Newsletter for the APA Committee on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies, on the beneficial aspects of non-specialists of Asian philosophy teaching courses on it. I think we’ve had discussions of this topic in various comment sections on our site, so I thought some of you might be interested. Further discussion is welcome, of course.

In Memoriam: Burton Watson (1925 – 2017)

I was alerted to a post by Lucas Klein, regarding the passing of Burton Watson on April 1, 2017. We have not been able to find any obituary notices. Watson’s translations, particularly of Zhuangzi and Xunzi, are probably the first introductions English readers have of early Chinese thought. His Zhuangzi translation is certainly the one that has had the most poetic effect on me. He was one of the giants of translation.

Email Subscription Housekeeping Test

I believe the problem with the new email subscription widget has been solved. If you have already successfully subscribed, you should receive a notification for any new POSTS that are published. If you’d like to subscribe, please use the subscription fields on the far right column. You will be asked to confirm your request via email prior to being added to the email list for new posts.

COMMENT subscriptions are more flexible — see the new dialogue below the comment field — and can be used to follow particular comment strings or only replies to your particular comment. Please let me know if something is not working.


Working on Comment Function Issues

Just to let you know that we are troubleshooting the comment function. We hope it will all be solved in a few days. Meanwhile, you are able to comment, but when you submit it, you’ll either be taken to a blank page or an error page. If you refresh the main page or the post-page, your comment should be there, however. Thanks for your patience.

Update (11 minutes later…): Fixed!

Update (45 minutes later…): Not quite fixed. Will keep working on it.

Update (1 hour later…): Fixed for sure now. Comment away! (The downside is that the fix involved removing the Postmatic email alert and comment system for following posting and discussion through email. Look for an announcement about an updated email alert system at a future date.)

In Memoriam: Jiyuan Yu (1964 – 2016)

We have received this sad news from Chenyang Li:

Dear friends,

 I am extremely saddened to share the news that ISCP executive director and executive committee chair, Professor Jiyuan Yu passed away on 3 November 2016, after a courageous battle with cancer.

His passing is a major loss to our organization. Professor Jiyuan Yu also served as the president of ISCP in 2012-2013 and hosted the 18th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy in Buffalo, New York in 2013. He will be remembered dearly by his friends and colleagues. A panel will be organized in his honor at the upcoming 20th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy in Singapore, 4-7 July 2017.

Thank you, Jiyuan and farewell, our dear friend!

Chenyang Li

President of ISCP

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Pacific APA Panel on Teaching Asian/Asian-American Philosophy – Call for Proposals

[Just a reminder that the deadline for proposals is Monday, 10/31. Thank you. -M. I.]

The APA’s Committee on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies invites proposals/abstracts for a sponsored panel on teaching Asian and/or Asian-American philosophy. The Committee is especially interested in documented, project or experience based narratives of effective teaching techniques, comparative philosophy focus in lesson plans, theoretical or practical complexities, or strategies for curricular integration in degree programs. Other topics will also be considered. The Pacific Division meetings will be held in Seattle, WA on April 12 – 15, 2o17. Please send proposals or abstracts to Manyul Im via email: Please include a CV with your proposal/abstract.

Deadline for full consideration of proposals is October 31, 2016.