CFP: Self-Awareness and Buddhist Philosophy

CFP from Douglas Duckworth at Temple University:

The International Society for Buddhist Philosophy (ISBP) is soliciting paper proposals for a panel on the status of self-awareness (svasaṃvedanā) in Buddhist thought, in the group meeting at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) Eastern Division in Philadelphia, PA (December 27-30, 2014). Papers that address what is at stake in the debates around the topic of self-awareness from phenomenological, analytic, and/or Buddhist perspectives are welcome.

Papers may engage such questions as: Can there be self-awareness without a self? Is self-awareness foundational, or foundational to Buddhism? Does a claim to the presence of self-awareness entail any ontological commitments? Is self-awareness a source of knowledge? What (if anything) is self-awareness aware of and what (if anything) does self-awareness explain?

Please send title, abstract (250 words), personal information (name, email, and institutional affiliation) to Douglas Duckworth (duckworth[at] by May 1, 2014.

Douglas Duckworth
Temple University

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