Greetings blog readership! I have a question on which I’d love your feedback. As many of you know, the blog has a software that autoposts blog content to Facebook and used to do so to Twitter. The autoposter has some limitations, especially that it can only be configured for two accounts — so only Aris Dashiell’s (my RA) and me posts actually get sent on to FB automatically; posts by others require Aris or me to manually intercede for them to got to FB. So far we haven’t found a better solution for that.
But what I am writing about today is actually not FB. The change of Twitter to X broke the autoposter’s connection. We can seek to restore that, but it didn’t seem that even the Twitter feed was getting much attention. So, a two-part question: (1) would you value a restored WW&W feed on X? (2) are there other social media platforms that we should attach to? Please share your views, either as comments or email me directly. Thanks!