Category Archives: Call for Papers (CFP)

CFP: Teaching Intercultural Philosophy, Cordoba (June 2025)

In the current climate of increasing provincialism and geopolitical division, the need to decenter and deprovincialize philosophical education is vital. Engaging with multiple traditions can illuminate new pathways of thought and reveal overlooked perspectives. Expanding the traditions valued for study is central to the vocation of intercultural, comparative, and global philosophy, while remaining committed to intellectual honesty, universally shared values as well as the pursuit of truth and practical wisdom.
The task of integrating philosophical reflections on diverse ideas that have emerged in, among other regions, Africa, China, India, Japan and Latin America, together with the Western tradition in secondary and tertiary education, is largely left to individual initiatives and instructors. This conference aims to assess the progress made in integrating these approaches within philosophical education. The teaching Intercultural Philosophy Universidad Loyola invites participants to explore different methods, synergies, and common challenges in teaching intercultural philosophy.

Please read more to find details on the conference and the application process. Continue reading →

CFP: Workshop on Revenge at KU Leuven

Revenge can clearly be used to criticize power structures and renegotiate accepted norms but is similarly governed by its own set of rules. But how do such opposites—rules and the unruly, entertainment and brutality, ritual and defiance of norms—go together and relate to one another within the act of revenge? And how might the tension between such opposites be dissolved? How did revenge become such an influential cultural trope in China? What is revenge used for in all these different contexts? And how did it change over the long history from early China to the present day?

The Repay Resentment with Straightforwardness? Exploring Revenge in the Chinese Context workshop seeks to study revenge in all fields of the Chinese socio-cultural realm to uncover its many facets and the relations between them. Therefore, participants are invited to explore the topic of revenge from various angles and with creative approaches, in hope to cover methodologies from diverse fields, including but not limited to: Anthropology, sociology, literature studies, philosophy, theater studies, history, political sciences, archaeology,
criminology etc. Presentation of both case studies as well as wider theoretical reflections on the nature of revenge in China are welcomed.

Please read more for further information of the workshop.

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CFP: History of Philosophy Society

The History of Philosophy Society (HOPS) conference will be held in Salt Lake City from March 28-29 this year. The conference will feature keynote addresses by Brook Ziporyn (Chicago) and Massimiliano Tomba (UC Santa Cruz), as well as a text seminar by Emanuela Bianchi (NYU).

If you are interested, please submit an abstract of 500-750 words by January 20th (see detailed instructions in the CFP attached).

Call for applications: Way and Being Seminar-workshop

Way and Being: Between Daoist and Pre-Socratic Approaches is a seminar-workshop designed for students engaged in or interested in research opportunities within Chinese and/or Greek philosophy. The program includes 90-minute presentations and discussions led by invited speakers on related topics. Additionally, students will have the chance to share and discuss their ideas with peers and speakers in 30-minute sessions. Students who are currently working on or planning to explore pre-Socratic philosophy and/or Daoist philosophy in their bachelor, master, or doctoral theses are particularly encouraged to apply.

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CFP: SACP Annual Conference

The 57th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy will be held at Leiden University from July 9-11, 2025.

We invite individual and panel proposals on any topic consistent with the SACP mission of advancing intercultural philosophy. The SACP board especially welcomes paper and panel submissions that reflect diverse Asian and comparative approaches to traditional philosophical concerns, as well as critical engagement with contemporary issues of global concern.

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CFP: Upcoming Leadership and the Good Life Conference 2025

West Chester University’s “Life Worth Living” Leadership Hub, in collaboration with Yale’s Center for Faith and Culture, is now accepting proposals for the upcoming Leadership & The Good Life Conference in June 2025. Philosophers are invited to submit paper, presentation, and panel proposals that explore philosophical concepts of the “good life,” including ethical theory and applied ethical topics, as well as related pedagogy.

Submissions: abstracts (300-500 words) should be submitted via email to with the subject line: LWL PROPOSAL by March 15, 2025.

To learn more information of the program, visit the LWLLeadershipHub site or read this pdf.

CFP: II Congreso Internacional de la Red Iberoamericana de Filosofía China (RIFCH)

Tras el congreso inaugural en Málaga, España, en 2023, la II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL(RIFCH) celebrará su segundo congreso internacional en San José, Costa Rica, los días 28 y 29 de agosto de 2025. Si están interesados en asistir, intercambiar ideas con otros investigadores hispano-lusoparlantes de filosofía china y formar parte de la red, consulten aquí la convocatoria y la información de inscripción:

CFP: Envisioning Futures: Decolonial and World Philosophical Approaches

The Department of Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is pleased to announce the international conference Envisioning Futures: Decolonial and World Philosophical Approaches, scheduled for November 21-22, 2025. The university will provide accommodation for all participants for three days. The conference organisers are negotiating the possibility of publishing a selection of the accepted papers in a high-profile philosophy journal.
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CFP: ECNU 2025 International Graduate Conference of Philosophy, Roots and Branches

This International Graduate Conference of Philosophy intends to gather brilliant graduate students and early career scholars to discuss different aspects of philosophical innovations and traditions. The organizing committee, drawn from the long-standing international Graduate Program in Chinese Philosophy at ECNU, is committed to collect voices from various philosophical backgrounds focused on Chinese Philosophy and comparative philosophy, as well as excellent research in other areas.

The guiding theme of the conference this year is benmo 本末 , or “roots and branches”. Rootedness, grounding, the archeology of thought and hermeneutics shape thinking in ways often difficult to detect. Branches, reinterpretations and applications of philosophical wisdom, which are frequently the more obvious aspects of philosophical reflections, stem from roots.
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