Fellowships for Graduate Study in China

A message regarding the China Study Program — a fellowship program for graduate students:

Since 2013, the “China Study Program” (CSP), sponsored by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, has supported more than 900 international students in areas of humanities and social sciences with their doctoral studies and research in China. As the Secretariat of the Expert Committee of the China Studies Program based at the Renmin University of China, we are writing to introduce the fellowship program to you. We would be grateful if you circulate the letter or encourage students to apply.

CSP provides individualized training programs for each candidate and offers generous fellowships to cover the cost of research, fieldwork, and living expenses in China. By offering opportunities for collaboration with prestigious professors in 18 key universities in China, this program brings in-depth learning and research opportunities. Ph.D. candidates registered in an overseas university are eligible to apply for a “Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship,” and those who have obtained a master’s degree and are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in China may apply for the “Ph.D. Program in China.”
The application for the 2024 CSP Fellowship is now open and will remain so until Feb 28, 2024. Please visit this website for detailed information: http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/csp

We would appreciate it if you circulate this information among your students or recommend students to us. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at hantui@ruc.edu.cn.

I wish you a fruitful spring term!

Dr. Jing (Cathy) Zhang
Deputy Director
Secretariat of Expert Committee of China Studies Program
Institute for the Promotion of Chinese Language and Culture
Renmin University of China
ADD: Room 516, Guo Xue Guan, Renmin University of China
59 Zhong-guan-cun Street, Beijing, 100872, P. R. China

Tel: 86-10-62513770; 86-10-15120008891

Institute for the Promotion of Chinese Language and Culture
School of Chinese Studies and Cultural Exchange
Renmin University of China

ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies

The Henry Luce Foundation is happy to announce that the American Council of Learned Societies is now accepting application for the 2022-23 Fellowship Competition. They are inviting scholars seeking funds for research, writing, and curriculum development. The application deadline for the program is November 2nd, 2022 9pm Eastern Time. Click here for more information or read below for information pertaining to eligibility and different research fellowships. If you have any question please contact chinastudies@acls.org.

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Luce/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is inviting scholars seeking funds for research and writing to apply for Luce/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies. In 2022-23 ACLS is offering two types of fellowships to support research, writing, and curriculum development: flexible, short-term fellowships, and long-term fellowships.

The deadline to apply is November 2nd, 2022 9 pm ET. Read below for more information.

If you have any questions either email chinastudies@acls.org.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Applicants must be recent PhDs (within eight years of receiving the degree), pre-tenure, and who intend to pursue careers in the US or Canada.
  • Applicants must have a working knowledge of Chinese.
  • Projects must employ humanistic approaches and methods.



2022-23 Berggruen USC Fellowship

The AY 2022-23 Berggruen USC Fellowship is open for applications until January 10th, 2022. We welcome thinkers from across cultures and disciplines to apply, and there is a special interest in projects related to China. Berggruen Fellows can be either academics or unattached intellectuals (for whom the Berggruen Fellowship may serve as a retreat from work in industry, government, or the arts) but above all must be committed to intellectual work of the highest quality. Fellows will work from the our Institute’s office in Downtown Los Angeles and will have access to the scholarly resources of the University of Southern California.

For more information on application timeline and requirements, please check here: https://dornsife.usc.edu/stpl/usc-beggruen-fellowship-application/

China Studies Post-doctoral Fellowship, Ashoka University

The China Studies Post-doctoral Fellowship (CSPF), offered jointly by Ashoka University (India) and the Harvard-Yenching Institute (US), is an opportunity for recent PhDs in China Studies to conduct a two-year study on China under the guidance of established scholars and simultaneously teach courses on China at top Indian universities.

The fully-funded fellowship is open to scholars who have either completed their PhD anytime after 2012 or will complete their PhD by Spring 2022 Semester, with their research specifically focussed on China (utilizing Chinese language sources) across various disciplines of humanities and social science. These include, but are not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, international relations, language and literature, legal history, philosophy, political science, religion and sociology. The fellowship is also open to scholars of China Studies who are teaching at Indian universities and wish to pursue novel research on China while continuing their teaching engagement at their current university. Applicants should have a working knowledge of Mandarin, sufficient for academic research.

For more information, please visit https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=61662

Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies

The Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies are now accepting applications
for the 2021-22 fellowship competition. The deadline for Luce/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies is 9PM Eastern Time on November 1, 2021. 

In cooperation with the Henry Luce Foundation, ACLS has embarked on a three-year bridging initiative to reassess and reconfigure the Luce/ACLS Program in China Studies.  We will convene scholars at all ranks, higher education leaders, journalists, and other readers of research and writing on China to re-imagine and transform our program to meet the needs of China studies in the 21st century.

Fellowships in 2021-22 will support research, writing, and curriculum development.  An intensive retreat on the future of the field, on progress of fellowship projects, and on their curricular implications will be held in June 2022.

PhD Position in ‘Confucianism and Ethics of Technology’

This PhD project, part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme at Delft University of Technology, investigates the technological challenge for Confucian political theory on the one hand, and the contribution that Confucian political theory can make to debates on the ethics of technology on the other. Confucianism can be especially illuminating for the ethical studies on digital technologies because of its focus on social relationships as opposed to more-individualistic approaches to the ethics of technologies

To learn more about the position click here.

Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies

The Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies

Now Accepting Applications For 2020-21 Fellowship Competitions  

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) invites scholars seeking funds for research and writing to apply for the Henry Luce/ACLS Early Career Fellowships in China Studies.

Early Career Fellowships in China Studies identify and support innovative, early career scholars to ensure the continued intellectual vitality of the field of China Studies and to provide for its generational sustainability.  The fellowships are financially supported by the Henry Luce Foundation with additional funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Application deadline: November 2, 2020 9pm EST

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Postdocs on “new narratives” in history of philosophy

The “Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy” project has announced two postdoc opportunities for scholars interested in working on neglected philosophers — including neglected Asian philosophers (male or female). The historical period of the grant is currently focused on is 1400-1940. Please see here for more information.