CFP: ISCWP at 2022 APA Central

The International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) plans to organize one or two panels for the 2022 APA Central Meeting (Chicago, Feb. 23-26, 2022).  ISCWP invites proposals of panels or papers that promote in-depth engagement between Chinese and Western philosophy.  Proposals may be focused on only one of Chinese or Western philosophy, but it should be consistent with the mission of ISCWP.  Preference is given to constructive comparative engagements between Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy.

For panel proposal, submission must include the theme of the panel and the following for each chair, speaker, and commentator (optional) on your panel:

  1. Title of Paper
    2. Name
    3. Affiliation
    4. Email Address
    5. Abstract of 200-300 words (for presenters)

For paper proposal, submission must include the completed paper or a paper title and abstract of 200-300 words.

Please send proposals to Alexus McLeod (, by August 15, 2021.

If you plan to attend the APA-Central Meeting and would like to volunteer to serve as a chair for a panel, please notify us of your willingness to do so.

Note on Academic Support Fund: In general, the ISCWP does not fund travel and related expenses.
Participants must secure funding via their institution or other means. However, thanks to the generosity of our members, we are in the process of building up an Academic Support Fund for early career scholars and scholars without stable and/or well-funded positions. If you would like to be considered for the Fund, please indicate so in your email. Although we would like to provide as much support as it is needed, resource allocation is not guaranteed and will be contingent upon availability of funds.


ISCWP January 2019 Newsletter

The ISCWP January 2019 newsletter has been published. This issue features updates from several of the society’s members on their various activities, and a listing of conference panels organized by the society for the 2019 meetings (Eastern, Central, and Pacific) of the American Philosophical Association.

This and past newsletters are available on our web site at the following address:

Click here for the PDF version.

ISCWP Call for Papers for APA Pacific Division Meeting April 2015

The International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) plans to sponsor one or two panels at next year’s Pacific Division Meeting of APA (American Philosophical Association), which will take place at Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver from April 1 to April 5, 2015. We hereby invite submissions.

Our Goal: We would like to encourage submissions of proposals of individual papers and panels. We encourage papers or panels that promote in-depth engagement between Chinese and Western philosophy. The submissions will be reviewed by all the three members of the board.When we select papers, we normally try to find papers that have common theme to form a panel. You may have a better chance to be accepted if you submit a panel proposal which already has a common theme.

Eligibility: We continue to welcome non-ISCWP members to propose papers to be included on an ISCWP-sponsored panel, or even propose a panel that is related to the ISCWP’s aims, so please feel free to send this notice to philosophers who might be interested even if they are not ISCWP members yet.

Please send all submissions by September 14, 2014.

1. To submit a paper proposal, please provide a 250-300 word abstract. The abstract needs to include the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation, paper title, and email address.

2. To submit a panel proposal, please provide an overall abstract of  the panel topic of 250-300 words, including due justification. It must include the following for each chair, speaker, and commentator on your panel:

  • name as it is to appear in print
  • affiliation
  • email address
  • paper title and abstract (for presenters)

3. You may submit a partial panel proposal – the earlier the better – and ask for help in filling it out. We may help you build panels based on partial panel proposals received early in the process.

4. The board will review the submissions and announce the result by October 14, 2014. The new board members:

5. Address all submissions and inquires to:

Prof. Guoxiang Peng, Vice-President of ISCWP 
(There is an underscore between “peng” and “gx”)

Announcement: 2014 Term of the “Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy”


Please find attached detailed information about the upcoming 2014 Term of the  “Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy”  on the topic of “Mohist Logical Thought and Development of Contemporary Philosophy”

Academic Organizer: International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy
Host & Co-sponsor: Center for Comparative Philosophy, Institute of Foreign Philosophy & Center for Analytic Philosophy, Peking University, Beijing, China
Co-sponsor: Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University, USA
Time: 28th June 2014, Saturday, 1 – 5 pm
Location: Room 227, Old Chemistry Building, Peking University, Beijing
Full information in the PDF here: 2014 Beijing Roundtable_program_2014-6-7 version


ISCWP Newsletter, Volume 12, Issue 1

Greetings!  Many of you will have received the latest ISCWP Newsletter.  For those who are not on the ISCWP membership list, you can find out about the the society’s activities and events by following the link above and looking through recent newsletters, which are all available there.

If any readers are not members of the ISCWP and would like to join, please click here to be taken to the membership form online, where you can apply for membership.

Hagop Sarkissian
Secretary and Treasurer


June, 2014 ISCWP Beijing Roundtable

The 2014 Term of the ISCWP’s “Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy” workshop /symposium series is a small-size, half-day workshop on the theme “Mohist Logical Thought and Development of Contemporary Philosophy”, which will be held at Peking University, Beijing, China, 27th June 2014. For more information, click here. Please note that for those interested in possibly presenting at the Roundtable, the deadline for contacting the organizers is June 1, 2014.

ISCWP Newsletter, Volume 11, Issue 2

Greetings!  Many of you will have received the latest ISCWP Newsletter.  For those who are not on the ISCWP membership list, you can find out about the the society’s activities and events by following the link above and looking through recent newsletters, which are all available there.

If any readers are not members of the ISCWP and would like to join, please click here to be taken to the membership form online, where you can apply for membership.

Hagop Sarkissian
Secretary and Treasurer


ISCWP Newsletter, Volume 11, Issue 1

Greetings!  Many of you will have received the latest ISCWP Newsletter.  For those who are not on the ISCWP membership list, you can find out about the the society’s activities and events by following the link above and looking through recent newsletters, which are all available there.

If any readers are not members of the ISCWP and would like to join, please click here to be taken to the membership form online, where you can apply for membership.

Hagop Sarkissian
Secretary and Treasurer

New website for the ISCWP

Hi everyone,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wanted to announce a new website for the International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy:

Check it out.  If you’re not yet a member, click her to find out more on how to join the society, or click here to read more about our recent conferences and activities.

Oh–and if you already have a link to the our old website on another site or blog, we’d appreciate it if you could update your links.
