Category Archives: Job Opening

Postdoc Opportunity: University of British Columbia

A new postdoc opportunity specifically in Ming studies at the University of British Columbia recently opened up. The university welcomes a wide of range of applicants, from across all Ming and Ming-adjacent fields, and especially from scholars outside North America. Follow this link to see the full description of the opportunity.

Post-Doc in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy

The Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia (IKGA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), Austria’s leading non-university research and science institution, is offering a POSTDOC POSITION (F/M/X) (part-time, 36 hours per week) in the European Research Council project “The Ethics of Empty Beliefs: Chinese Buddhist Philosophy in the ‘Period of Disunity’” (CHINBUDDHPHIL) (ERC-2022-StG-101077136).

The successful candidate will contribute to the project, principally by conducting research on the philosophy of the Sanlun 三論 school of Chinese Buddhism in relation to Western philosophy.

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Post-Doctoral Positions at East China Normal University

East China Normal University has a number of post-doctoral positions available for 2024-2026 with rolling admissions.
In particular, Paul J. D’Ambrosio can accept one post-doctoral student. This person should specialize in early Chinese philosophy, and be interested in taking on responsibilities related to the 四海為學 Collaborative Learning project (, as well as co-teaching in East China Normal University’s English-taught graduate program in Chinese philosophy (
This position is open to anyone who has completed their PhD in the past couple of years; high preference will be given to Chinese nationals, though anyone may apply. Applicants must be able to be in Shanghai by October 2024 at the latest. (Full time residence is not required, for details on this, as well as funding and other information please write an email to the address below.)
Please send your CV and introductory letter to pauljdambrosio (at) hotmail (dot) (com) by July 1st.

Job Opening: Moravian University

Moravian University is happy to announce they are accepting applications for a new assistant/associate professor of philosophy beginning in Fall of 2024. Successful candidates will have a terminal degree (PhD preferred) in Philosophy or a closely related field. AOS: philosophy of science. AOC: artificial intelligence, value theory, and/or the history of philosophy (Western, Indigenous, and/or non-Western). Please click here for more information or to apply to this job. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kin Cheung, Chair of Philosophy.

Tenure-Track Position in Asian Philosophy

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position with Specialization in Asian Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the level of Assistant Professor with specialization in the field of Asian Philosophy and competence open (though we have a special interest in competence in Comparative Philosophy), to begin in August 2024. We seek candidates with strong research potential who are committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching and identify with the mission of UMBC, in particular concerning furthering the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness.
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