Dao has established “The Annual Best Essay Award” since 2007. In addition to a certificate of achievement, the award comes along with a prize of US$1,000. The award winners will be noted in the website of the journal as well as the website of Springer, the publisher of the journal. The award ceremony is held each year at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Eastern Division) in early January, where a special panel on the theme of the award-winning essay is held. The critical comments and the author’s responses to them presented at the panel, after review and revision, will be published in the last issue of Dao each year.
Category Archives: Journal News
Axiomathes becomes Global Philoosphy
The journal Axiomathes has recently changed editors and broadened its scope to become Global Philosophy. The journal’s website says:
We are happy to announce Global Philosophy as the new name of our journal. Global philosophy is an ideal, to go beyond the private, sectarian, cultural and geographical limited discourses going on in current philosophy and open the conversation to all philosophers who are qualified, but somehow have been eliminiated from the discourse. Through online platforms and forums, democratic communication to reach this ideal has become easier to achieve than ever. The ideal of Global Philosophy has never been easier to become a reality for everyone in the community.
Our Editor in Chief, John Symons from Kansas University, US, is certainly one of the best scholars to gather an international and diverse editorial board to cover the goal that this journal has had in mind since the beginning. … Read more about the new scope in this editorial: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10516-023-09678-y
Announcement of 2022 Dao Annual Best Essay Award
Announcement of 2022 Dao Annual Best Essay Award
Dao established “The Annual Best Essay Award” in 2007. In addition to a certificate of achievement, the award comes along with a prize of US$1,000. The award winners will be noted in the website of the journal as well as the website of Springer, the publisher of the journal. The award ceremony is held each year at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Eastern Division) in early January, where a special panel on the theme of the award-winning essay is held. The critical comments and the author’s responses to them presented at the panel, after review and revision, will be published in the last issue of Dao each year.
New(ish) Journal: Philosophy and Global Affairs
Readings of Warp, Weft, and Way will want to pay attention to the open-access journal Philosophy and Global Affairs, now in its second year. It has already published a number of intriguing essays and book reviews that engage with comparative philosophy (broadly construed); according to the editors, it:
…is a scholarly journal that publishes research and commentary on contemporary theoretical problems of global significance. It will include peer-reviewed articles, critical essays, and reviews for academic and non-academic readers in any country who share a sense of common global citizenship. The editorial team is particularly interested in the work of philosophers and theorists attuned to perspectives from the Global South. The journal’s goal is to establish a respected forum for theoretical discussion that is accessible to audiences across the humanities, social sciences, and life sciences.
CLT2 on Deng Xiaomang Freely Available
The second double-issue of Chinese Literature and Thought Today (CLT2) has been published and the press is running a free access period of this issue till March 31, 2023. All contents of the issue can be viewed and downloaded on the Taylor & Francis website during this period:
Chinese Literature and Thought Today (or CLT2) is a merger of Chinese Literature Today and Contemporary Chinese Thought. In this double issue, there is a section devoted to the thought and cultural criticism of Deng Xiaomang that is translated, and introduced by Jens Karlsson. Check it out!
New Issue of Journal of World Philosophies
Journal of World Philosophies new issue — table of contents below. Continue reading
2021 Dao Annual Best Essay Award
Dao has established “The Annual Best Essay Award” since 2007. The editorial board has just finished its deliberation on the best essay published in 2021, and the award is given to:
Benoit Vermander, “Edit by Number: Looking at the Composition of the Huainanzi, and Beyond.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2021): 459-498
Via a hermeneutics focused on numerology and concentric arrangements, the essay, which demonstrates familiarity with the germane historiography, literature, and theoretical apparatuses, offers an original construal of a textual universe in early China writings. Instead of taking for granted the organization and configuration, or the absence thereof, of these texts, it argues that there is a structural rhetoric. With particular reference to the Huainanzi, it lays bare the discernible and distinguishable patterns of textual composition while relating them to corresponding patterns of thinking. In so doing, it suggests the possibility and importance of looking beyond the writings’ intertextuality and toward their inter-structure.
The two runners-up are:
Yutang Jin, “Classic Confucian Thought and Political Meritocracy: A Text-based Critique.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2021): 433-458, and
Ian Sullivan, “The Need for More than Role Relations: Queer Lives, Social Group Identities, and Confucian Self-cultivation.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2021): 269-287
Springer has set the above three essays for free access.
Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture: Issue 37
The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture is happy to announce the publication of Issue 37. This is a special issue guest-edited by Brad Cokelet. The Journal is published biannually (in February and August) and welcomes contributions of both articles and book reviews by qualified authors from around the world. Click here to see the full volume online. Read below for more information about the edition and the specific authors.
New Journal: Journal of Social and Political Philosophy
The Journal of Social and Political Philosophy has published its first issue, featuring an article by Sor-hoon Tan (“The Crisis of Liberal Democracy and the Confucian Challenge: A Pragmatist Response”), a roundtable on Bai Tongdong’s book Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case, and lots of other interesting content. The journal’s description reads as follows (my emphasis):
Journal of Social and Political Philosophy (JSPP) provides a forum in which to address the new challenges facing social and political thought in the twenty-first century. JSPP publishes material of the highest quality regardless of philosophical, ideological or methodological orientation within social and political philosophy. Our aim is to provide a venue for original contributions to social and political philosophy from a range of disciplines, traditions and civilizational perspectives.
JSPP especially welcomes contributions dealing with contemporary encounters, debates and controversies involving Western social and political thought and East Asian approaches, including but not limited to Chinese traditions. It seeks to promote dynamic engagement between East Asian and Western approaches to social and political philosophy, including new fields of normative inquiry that cut across otherwise distinct traditions. JSPP supports informed cross-cultural conversation between these different approaches.
Contributions to the history of political thought are welcome where these bear on issues of contemporary concern. JSPP’s scope does not include material dealing with empirical, public policy or day to day political issues, but does include philosophical contributions that incorporate results of social scientific research.
JSPP publishes research articles, critical responses, book reviews, review essays, and symposia on books of particular importance.
Seems like a significant new venue!
Asian Journal of Philosophy – a new Asia-based journal published by Springer Nature and journal launch
The journal publishes high-quality articles in any area of analytic philosophy, but with an emphasis on epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, meta-ethics, value theory, action theory, and the philosophies of mind, language, logic, technology, and mathematics.
The mission of Asian Journal of Philosophy is to serve as a leading platform for analytic philosophy in Asia both in an inward and in an outward sense. Within Asia the journal aims to be a visible go-to outlet for analytic philosophers to communicate high-quality research and share it with the global community. Outside Asia the journal aims to serve as an authoritative reflection of cutting-edge research in Asia and as an attractive publication outlet for promoting scholarly work to the large community of researchers working in the region.