Category Archives: Journal News

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice soliciting non-Western submissions

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice encourages submissions on non-western philosophical traditions, especially those that interface contemporary ethics and Asian philosophies. This is part of the editorial team’s ongoing efforts to expand the journal’s repertoire of traditions, ideas and approaches beyond what is typically considered to be mainstream ethics and practical philosophy, and to foster dialogue and engagement across cultures and methodologies. We also invite proposals for book reviews as well as for special issues that engage Asian philosophical traditions. Proposals for special issues are evaluated twice a year through our regular selection process, with deadlines on October 1 and April 1.  

For more information about the journal, please visit

New Journal: International Studies on Confucianism

A new journal, publishing both Chinese-language and English-language articles on Confucianism, has been established jointly by the International Confucian Association and Tsinghua University: 《国际儒学(中英文)》 or  International Studies on Confucianism. More information, including the Table of Contents of the first issue, is here.

New Webpage for Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture

The Editor of the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture passes on the following message:

We are happy to announce that the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture has a new webpage designed to allow easier and more intuitive access to the journal and its content. The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC) is the only peer-reviewed, English language journal dedicated exclusively to research concerning the history and contemporary relevance of Confucianism. The Journal is indexed in AtlaSerials, BAS (Bibliography of Asian Studies), MLA Directory of Periodicals, and KCI (Korea Citation Index). Please visit our new website at and consider submitting work to any of the various sections of the journal: articles, reviews, or Scholar’s Corner.

2019 Dao Annual Best Essay Award

Dao has established “The Annual Best Essay Award” since 2007. In addition to a certificate of achievement, the award comes along with a prize of US$1,000. The award winners are noted in the website of the journal as well as the website of Springer, the publisher of the journal. The award ceremony is held each year at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Eastern Division) in January, where a special panel on the theme of the award winning essay is held. The critical comments and the author’s responses to them presented at the panel, after revision and review, will be published in the last issue of Dao each year.

The selection process consists of two stages. At the beginning of each year, a nominating committee of at least three editorial members, who have not published in Dao in the given year, is established. This committee is charged with the task of nominating three best essays published in the previous year. These three essays are then sent to the whole editorial board for deliberation. The final winner is decided by a vote by all editorial board members who are not authors of the nominated essays.

The editorial board has just finished its deliberation on the best essay published in 2019, and the award is given to:

Alexei Procyshyn and Mario Wenning, “Recognition and Trust: Hegel and Confucius on the Normative Basis of Ethical Life.” Dao 18 (2019): 1-22.

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The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture welcomes submissions

News about the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture from its editor, P.J. Ivanhoe:

The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture ( is published biannually (in February and August) and welcomes submissions of both articles and book reviews, including reviews of films, exhibitions, and internet resources. JCPC is the only peer-reviewed, English language journal dedicated exclusively to research concerning the history and contemporary relevance of Confucianism. The journal is cross-disciplinary in its outlook and presents work from philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, theologians, political scientists as well as other disciplines. JCPC examines the historical, doctrinal, literary, social, and political developments that have formed contemporary versions of Confucianism for the purpose of interpreting and exploring Confucianism from a modern perspective. The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture is indexed by the Korean Citation Index, the Bibliography of Asian Studies, and most recently, Atla Religion Database. It is under consideration by A&Hci and Scopus.

Vol 32 of The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC)

The editors are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 32 of The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC), the inaugural issue of the revised format of the journal. JCPC is published biannually (in February and August) and welcomes contributions of both articles and book reviews by qualified authors from around the world. This attached file contains the front matter, including a complete table of contents, of Volume 32. The complete volume will be available on line, within the week at our web site:

2018 Dao Best Essay Award Announcement

2018 Dao Annual Best Essay Award

Dao has established “The Annual Best Essay Award” since 2007. In addition to a certificate of achievement, the award comes along with a prize of US$1,000. The award winners are noted in the website of the journal as well as the website of Springer, the publisher of the journal. The award ceremony is held each year at the American Philosophical Association Annual Meeting (Eastern Division) in January, where a special panel on the theme of the award winning essay is held. The critical comments and the author’s responses to them presented at the panel, after revision, will be published in the last issue of Dao each year.

The selection process consists of two stages. At the beginning of each year, a nominating committee of at least three editorial members, who have not published in Dao in the given year, is established. This committee is charged with the task of nominating three best essays published in the previous year. These three essays are then sent to the whole editorial board for deliberation. The final winner is decided by a vote by all editorial board members who are not authors of the nominated essays.

The editorial board has just finished its deliberation on the best essay published in 2018, and the award is given to:

Paul J. D’Ambrosio, Hans-Rudolf Kantor, Hans-Georg Moeller, “Incongruent Names: A Theme in the History of Chinese Philosophy,” Volume 17, Issue 3, March 2018, pp. 305-330. (The paper is set for free access by clicking the title here.)

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Censorship issue at “Frontiers of Literary Studies in China”

Here are three items related to a censorship issue at Frontiers of Literary Studies in China:

Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC): New Website

The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (JCPC) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Sungkyunkwan University. It is the only English language journal dedicated exclusively to research concerning the history and contemporary relevance of Confucianism.

It was first published in 2001 for the purpose of interpreting and exploring Confucianism from a modern perspective. From 2007 it sought to integrate broader academic dialogue by publishing articles in Chinese and English. From August 2019, JCPC will strengthen its international network and broaden its global presence by concentrating on articles written in English.

JCPC (ISSN 1598-267X) is published biannually (in February and August) and welcomes the
contribution of both articles and book reviews. Please visit our web page at:

Free Access to journal Bamboo and Silk

Individuals are eligible for free access to the significant new journal Bamboo and Silk until 31 December 2019, using access token BSMS4U.

Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. Based on unearthed Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts from the Warring States period (476–221 BC) and Qin (221–206BC), Han (206BC–220 AD), Wei (220–265 AD) and Jin (265–420 AD) Dynasties, this journal focuses on studies of character identification and textual reconstitution, and studies of the social, political, economic and legal systems as well as ideology, culture, language, customs and other aspects reflected by these manuscripts. The journal includes research articles on bamboo and silk manuscripts and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed by anonymous outside experts as well as by the editorial board, and reflect the current state of international academic research issues on Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts.

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