Category Archives: On-line courses

Three “Collaborative Learning” (四海為學) Seminars in March/April

Reading Sunzi Bingfa

In the history of Chinese thought the Sunzi Bingfa plays many different roles. It has influenced ways of thinking about politics and warfare, but also efficacy in many arenas, and even environmental issues. The Sunzi Bingfa is also written in a way that provides a great introduction to reading classical Chinese, making it a useful text for students to read for many different reasons. In this course we will do a close reading of the Sunzi Bingfa.

Led by: Dimitra Amarantidou, University of Macau, and Paul J. D’Ambrosio, East China Normal University

This course meets from 6:00-8:30pm Beijing time, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 30, May 7, 14, 21.
Skype link:

Concrete Humanism: Major Confucian Texts and Thinkers

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5th Greater China Summer Workshop Program in Chinese Studies (online)

The 5th Greater China Summer Workshop Program in Chinese Studies will be now held online. The program will start on July 17, 2020 and end on August 15, 2020. Applications for the online program will be open until June 19th, 2020.

In the online program, there are two types of participants:

-Active Participants-
Are expected to engage with the lectures, textbook, and pre-readings
As there are very limited places for Active Participants, some applicants may be placed on the waitlist

Can attend lectures and submit questions to the lecturers, but are not expected to engage with the course readings although they are highly advised to. Viewer places will be given according to the level of commitment.

Application forms to be an Active Participant or a Viewer and the program schedule can be found on the program’s website.

Further questions can be emailed to

Follow the program on social media to keep updated with information:
Instagram: @sdcf.sino
Twitter: @SdcfCharitable