Category Archives: Yi Jing (Book of Changes)

New Book: The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World

Wai-ming Ng, ed., The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World (Springer, 2021)

This book represents an ambitious effort to bring leading Yijing scholars together to examine the globalisation and localisation of the ‘Book of Changes’ from cross-cultural and comparative perspectives. It focuses on how the Yijing has been used to support ideologies, converted into knowledge, and assimilated into global cultures in the modern period, transported from the Sinosphere to British, American and French cultural traditions, travelling from East Asia to Europe and the United States. The book provides conceptualised narratives and cross-cultural analyses of the global popularisation and local assimilation of the Yijing, highlighting the transformation and application of the Yijing in different cultural traditions, and demonstrating how it acquired different meanings and took on different roles in the context of a global setting. In presenting a novel contribution to understandings of the multifaceted nature of the Yijing, this book is essential reading for scholars and students interested in the ‘Classic of Changes’. It is also a useful reference for those studying Chinese culture, Asian philosophy, East Asian studies, and translation studies.

Click here to see full Table of Contents.


New Book: Harrington’s translation of Cheng Yi, The Yi River Commentary on the Book of Changes

Yale University press is about to release Michael Harrington’s excellent translation of Cheng Yi’s very important The Yi River Commentary on the Book of Changes, with an introduction by Michael and Robin Wang. More details are here.

On-line Resources Related to the Yi Jing

Prof. Richard Smith of Rice University writes:

I wanted to let you know that a free, word-searchable PDF version of the 98-page bibliography for my new book, The Qing Dynasty and Traditional Chinese Culture (Rowman and Littlefield, 2015), is now available at

I might add that there are also a number of other items available for download at my History Department website ( One of these is a long powerpoint on Ming-Qing “encyclopedias of daily use” (riyong leishu) (, which is also available at (where it occasioned some interesting and productive conversation). In addition, there are quite a few items on my History Department site related to the Yijing (see Among these materials are a number of Asian-language glossaries for the names, titles and terms that appear in my two books on the Changes: The I Ching: A Biography (Princeton University Press, 2012) and Fathoming the Cosmos and Ordering the World: The Yijing (I-Ching, or Classic of Changes) and Its Evolution in China (University of Virginia Press, 2008).

Three New Books: Mozi, Yi Jing, and Confucianism in HK

Three new (or at least new to me) books of interest:

If anyone has read any of these, please let us know what you think!

SJSU Symposium: Yi-Jing Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy & Society

SJSU Center for Comparative Philosophy Workshop/Conference Series presents a symposium:

Yi-Jing Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy & Society

Co-Sponsors: SJSU Philosophy Department & Dr. Chaote Lin Endowment
Time: 4th April 2013, Thursday, 10:00-17:00
Place: Conference Room 225-229, King Library,
San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA

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