The Executive Director of the ISCP, JeeLoo Liu, writes as follows:
The official email address for our 2019 ISCP 21st International Conference on Chinese Philosophy has been established: . We are inviting submissions of paper abstract (500 words) or panel proposal (with all paper abstracts). The deadline for submission is September 15, 2018, and the selection will be based on the themes of this conference as well as the quality of the abstract/proposal. Here is the detail of the conference:
Tuesday 2nd July- Friday 5th July, 2019
“Reality, Argumentation, and Persuasion:
Metaphysical Explorations and Epistemological Engagements in Chinese Philosophy”
University of Berne, Institute of Philosophy, Switzerland
Topics include the following:
- Yin-yang, Five elements, and Yijing (and other similar systems) as systems of classification
- Chinese ontology (you/wu—being/nonbeing)
- Chinese idea of the Ultimate Reality: Dao, Li, Taiji, the relation between One and Many
- Chinese cosmology
- Philosophical anthropology—Man’s relation to Heaven/Nature
- Chinese Philosophy of Mind—nature, mind, emotion, desire.
- Theories of knowledge, perception and experience in Chinese philosophy
- Epistemic reasoning and justification in Chinese philosophy
- Theories of truth in Chinese philosophy
- Concerns over scepticism
- Knowledge and virtues
- Knowledge, skills, and values
- Moral knowledge
- Early Encounters with Western Sciences: 16th-18th Centuries
- Modernization and Westernization in the early 20th Century
- Technology of the 21st Century: Chinese Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence
Argumentation and Persuasion:
- Argument and knowledge
- Analysis of particular arguments in philosophical texts from Pre-Qin to Contemporary
- Persuasion and therapy
- Persuasion and knowledge
- Persuasion and power
- Rhetoric – political, ethical, religious, legal, aesthetic
- Of particular interest: Mohist Theories of argumentation, Theory of Names, Daoist methodology of debate, and specific argumentation in Buddhism
Paper abstract/panel proposal (with all paper abstracts) due (500 words)—English or Chinese: September 15, 2018 [Submission Email address]
Acceptance by November 15, 2018
Final version of paper due: February 1, 2019
Hotel registration deadline: March 15, 2019
Dear Organiser
Can I still participate the 21st International Conference on Chinese Philosophy as paper presenter?
I am really interested in it, but have just came across the website.
Really appreciate if you can consider my intention to participate. I am an academic work and teach philosophy and education.
Looking forward to get a prompt response from you.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and help.