CFP: 5E Cognition: Virtual Embodiment and Artificial Intelligence

5E Cognition: Virtual Embodiment and Artificial Intelligence

December 6-7 2018

University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan


The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy (UTCP) in collaboration with University of Cincinnati is hosting a workshop exploring topics related to Enactive and Ecological accounts of Embodied Cognition, Comparative Chinese and Japanese Philosophy, and Artificial Intelligence. The workshop will be held at the University of Tokyo campus on December 6th and 7th 2018.

5E Cognition refers to the coalition of enactive, extended, embedded, ecological, and embodied theories of cognition and action. The general scope of the workshop is to discuss the implications of Artificial Intelligence, virtual environments, and technological artifacts through the interdisciplinary lens of 5E Cognition. We plan to explore the ways in which human action, perception, and cognition may be profoundly changed by our increasingly digital world. How technology expands, augments, and inhibits the human capacity for ethical and social practice is of particular interest.

The goal of the workshop is to create a space for dialogue that is both philosophically rigorous and open to interested parties beyond the philosophical community. Presentations outside the discipline of philosophy are welcome and interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged.

Submission Information: If you would like to attend and present your work at the workshop, you are invited to submit an abstract in the range of 150 to 300 words by October 26th 2018. If your submission is selected, you will be notified and should submit a full draft of the paper or presentation file to be included in the proceedings by November 15th.

Please submit your abstract/full draft in PDF file to the above address. If you have any questions, please send them to Jonathan McKinney and Maki Sato at

Current list of Participants: Peter Hershock, Takahiro Nakajima, Anthony Chemero, Mark Roberts, Jesus Illundain, Émilien Dereclenne

Below is a list of some of the key questions that will inform our discussions.

  • How can the 5E Cognition approach clarify what it means to be human in the age of AI?
  • What is the relationship between extended cognition and AI?
  • Should we change how we understand extended or distributed cognition?
  • Are there any risks involved with incorporating intuitive technology into daily human activities?
  • How will the continued integration of AI into our lives affect human practice?

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