CFP: ACPA group session at the 2022 Eastern APA

Tentative schedule: Montreal, Quebec, January 5 – 8, 2022*
Submission deadline:  June 20, 2021
We welcome scholars to submit proposals for individual papers to be considered for inclusion on a single ACPA group session at the 2022 APA Eastern Division Meeting.   (Please note:  The APA now limits groups such as ACPA to a maximum of two total sessions at APA meetings.  Because the ACPA sponsors a “Dao Best Essay Award” session at the Eastern APA every year, with the participants invited by Professor Yong HUANG and the editorial board of Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, we will only be able to sponsor a single additional ACPA group session for Eastern APA.  Thus, we are inviting only proposals for individual paper presentations, not proposals for a complete panel session.)
– We are open to submissions that engage with Chinese philosophy in a wide variety of ways and we are not specifying a theme for the group session prior to receiving proposals.
– In addition to the quality of submission, the selection of papers for presentation will be based on how well they can be worked into a good session.
– We particularly encourage junior, women, BIPOC, and other underrepresented scholars to apply.
– Information on the Association of Chinese Philosophers in North America (ACPA) is available here:
(*A note from APA regarding Meeting 2022: 
 Note: The next Eastern Division meeting will be held in person in early January 2022. . . 
Because of complications resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not yet have a confirmed location or dates for the meeting. We hope to have such information soon, . . .) 
(To view paper guidelines and for info on abstract submissions see below)

Guidelines for paper/abstract submission:
1.We encourage submissions for individual papers that bring Chinese philosophy into conversation with contemporary discussions in other areas of philosophy.
2. Feel free to submit a 300-500 word abstract, with or without a completed paper attached.  If only an abstract is submitted, a complete version of the paper is required at least 30 days before the meeting to provide the session chair and panelists with enough time to prepare for their session.  Completed papers should be written in English and not exceed 4000 words.  The presentation time for each paper will be approximately 20 minutes.
3. Please let us know if you are simultaneously submitting a separate proposal to other Asian philosophy groups for the same APA meeting.
4. Membership of the ACPA is not required for consideration or acceptance, but we ask that you be a current ACPA member by the time we submit the session information to the APA.
5. Paper or abstract submissions (with your full name/affiliation/email information) and any questions should be sent electronically to ALL three members of the selection committee:
Dr. Suk Gabriel Choi (ACPA, President) 
Towson University 
Concordia University    
Dr. Mercedes Valmisa (ACPA, Secretary/Treasurer) 
Gettysburg College
Secretary/Treasurer ACPA 

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