CFP: Journal of Chinese Humanities

Dear Colleagues:

You are invited to submit papers for inclusion in future issues of the Journal of Chinese Humanities (ISSN 2352-1333 / E-ISSN 2352-1341). We are Scopus indexed English Language publication focused on Chinese philosophy, history, and literature. You can find previous issues on Brill HERE.

Papers will receive special consideration if they pertain to one or more of the following themes; Moism (墨家) , Han Dynasty Fu (賦) Literature, Yuan Poetry (元曲), and comparative documentology/philology.

You will need to indicate your intention to submit by email with the title of the paper, authors/translators, and a brief abstract.

Please submit your papers to:

Patrick C. Turk
Marketing Editor

JOCH web address:

This entry was posted in Chinese philosophy - 中國哲學 - 中国哲学 by Ben Hammer. Bookmark the permalink.

About Ben Hammer

Ben Hammer received his Master's degree from Shandong University and Ph.D. from Peking University, both in Classical Chinese textual studies. He specializes in Confucian texts, textual criticism, and Western Sinology. He is an assistant professor at Shandong University's Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies and is a founder and assistant editor of Journal of Chinese Humanities.

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