CFP: June, 2013 ISCWP event in Wuhan on Language

(Please note the “Special Note” at the end: even if you cannot take part in this event, if you are interested in the theme you are invited to submit a paper for inclusion in two publication projects.)

Call for Papers
徵稿通知Symposium / 學術研討會Philosophical Issues Concerning Chinese Language and Development of Contemporary Philosophy of Language” 關於漢語的哲學問題與當代語言哲學發展

2013 Term / Wuhan“Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy” 2013届-武漢“北京當代哲學國際圓桌學術研討會”
Wuhan University/Philosophy School “Advanced Forum in Comparative Philosophy” 武漢大學哲學學院“比較哲學高峰論壇”

(November 2012 version / 2012年11月)

Academic Organizer for the “Beijing Roundtable” Workshop Series: International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP)

“北京當代哲學國際圓桌學術研討會”系列學術組織方: 國際中西哲學比較研究學會
Host & Sponsor: Philosophy School & Center for Comparative Chinese-Western Philosophy, Wuhan University, China

主辦方: 武漢大學哲學學院及中西比較哲學研究中心

Co-sponsor: Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University, USA

協辦方: 美國加州聖荷塞州立大學比較哲學研究中心

Time: 8-9th June 2013 (Saturday & Sunday)


Location: Philosophy School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

地點:武漢大學哲學學院, 武漢/中國

Discussion language: English and/or Chinese


The 2013 Term/Wuhan of the ISCWP’s “Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy” workshop /symposium series & Philosophy School/Wuhan University “Advanced Forum in Comparative Philosophy” is a two-day symposium on the theme “Philosophical Issues Concerning Chinese Language and Development of Contemporary Philosophy of Language”, which will be held in Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 8-9th June 2013.

ISCWP “北京當代哲學國際圓桌學術研討會”系列2013届-武漢專題學術研討會[見注*] 暨武漢大學哲學學院“比較哲學高峰論壇”的討論主題为“關於漢語的哲學問題與當代語言哲學發展”,將於2013年6月8-9日於武漢大學哲學學院举行。

[Note*: As it has been planned before, the “Beijing Roundtable” workshop series might be held in some other locations than Beijing in case relevant conditions would allow, for this effective academic-exchange/co-operation opportunity and engaging critical-discussion forum is intended to expand its coverage instead of its prospective hosts being limited to the academic institutions in one geographic area in China (though typically still in Beijing for some substantial considerations); in this situation, the label ‘Beijing Roundtable’ is thus rendered symbolic and still kept for its constructive emblematic use in relevant ISCWP documents, though host parties can choose their own preferred workshop titles.]

It is known that the development of philosophy of language has played its significant role in the development of contemporary philosophy; it has also made substantial contribution to the contemporary studies of Chinese and Chinese-Western comparative philosophy, not only in those directly related areas like language, mind and logic but also in other areas like ethics. Largely due to historical reason, reflective elaborations of relevant phenomena of natural languages in studies of philosophy of language have typically pointed to relied on the observation of the apparent semantic, syntactic and some other relevant phenomena of phonetic languages like English, which are usually supposed to be universally (at least at a deeper level) shared by all natural languages. However, in quite a few connections or cases (such as the semantic-syntactic structure of names, the way of predication, the structure of logical inference as presented in natural language, the propositional-attitude expressions, the structure of sentences, the metaphors, …), the distinctions between apparent linguistic phenomena of a phonetic language like Greek or English and those of an ideographic language like Chinese are reflectively interesting; their elaborations might guide or bear on our philosophical reflections on relevant issues in distinct directions or manners.


In this symposium, we will discuss: (1) on the one hand, how reflective elaboration of some features of Chinese language can bear on and promote the development of philosophy of language and deepen our understanding and treatment of some issues of the philosophy of language; (2), on the other hand, how relevant resources in contemporary philosophy of language can contribute to our philosophical elaborations of reflectively interesting issues concerning Chinese language. The relevant issues include but not limited to these: the issue of semantic-syntactic structure of nouns and its related ontological issues, the issue of reference, the issue of truth [concerning the relation between language, thought and objects] as presented in Chinese classics, the issue of predication, the issue of logical inference as presented in Chinese language, the issue of propositional attitudes; the issue of the nature of language, the issue of metaphors – or other relevant engaging issues.

在本届專題學術研討會,我們將主要討論以下兩個方面的論題:一方面,對關於漢語的某些語言特徵的反思闡釋如何能夠影響促進語言哲學的發展和深化我們對語言哲學的某些問題的理解和處理;另一方面,當代語言哲學的相關資源如何能夠對於我們就涉及漢語語言現象的反思性問題之哲學闡釋作出貢獻。這些相關問題包括(但不限於)以下問題:關於名稱的語義-詞法結構及問題及其相關的本體論問題、指稱問題、在漢語經典文獻中(涉及語言、思想和對象的)真理問題、謂語問題、漢語中的邏輯推理問題、命題態度問題、語言性質問題、隱喻問題 - 或語言哲學中其它相關的思想交鋒問題。

As the Beijing Roundtable workshop/symposium series has emphasized in-depth critical discussion on well-prepared research fruits on the target issue, submissions (see “Special Note” below) are expected to address the relevant issues with rigorously-argued and clearly-presented approaches. Papers (up to 5,000 English word equivalents in English or Chinese) together with 150-250 word abstracts (in English) may be submitted electronically (MS Word file) by 1st April 2013 to the review team c/o Bo Mou, ISCWP coordinator for the 2013 “Beijing Roundtable” symposium, at The authors of the submitted papers will be notified by 10th May 2013 of whether the papers will have been accepted for their presentation at the symposium. [The accommodations of the speakers of the accepted papers during the symposium period will be covered by the symposium host party.]

“北京當代哲學國際圓桌學術研討會”系列的特點之一在於其強調對於目標論題所作認真準備的研究成果進行深入的批評性討論。對提交給本屆專題學術研討會的論文稿(見下“特殊說明”)有如下要求:(1)主題相關,論證嚴謹,表達清楚;(2)不超過5000字的英文稿或等量漢字的中文稿;(3)150-250字的英文提要;(4)提交截止期為2013415日;(5)提交電子版(MS WORD文本)至牟博(MOU Bo本屆專題學術研討會學術組織方ISCWP協調人/電郵地址轉交審稿組。論文作者將在510日之前得到論文接受與否的通知。[被接受論文之作者在研討會期間的食宿將由研討會主辦方提供。]

Any interested ISCWP members and other interested colleagues are welcome to participate in this symposium. For further information concerning its host organization, contact Prof. Zhaohua Chu, the Host representative, at For further information concerning its academic coordination on the ISCWP side, contact Bo Mou.

任何感興趣的會員和其他同事均歡迎參加本屆專題學術研討會。欲進一步了解有關研討會主辦方的信息,請聯繫主辦方代表儲昭華(CHU Zhaohua)教授(。欲進一步了解有關研討會ISCWP學術協調方面的信息,請聯繫牟博。

Special Note:

The current “Call for Papers” also serves for the preparation for a special section on the same topic in the journal Frontiers of Philosophy in China (ISSN 1673-3436 / in English) and for a comprehensive anthology project on the same theme; any interested authors are encouraged to submit your quality papers on the theme, whether or not you would intend to participate in the foregoing symposium.


本“徵稿通知”同時也是為英文雜誌《中國哲學前沿》(ISSN 1673-3436)就同一專題的專欄以及為關於同一主題的專題文集所作準備工作的一部分;因此,我們鼓勵任何有興趣的作者就本屆專題學術研討會之主題提交高質量論文稿,無論是否意欲參加本屆專題學術研討會。

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