CFP: Society for the Study of Early China

Society for the Study of Early China 7th Annual Conference
Date: Thursday, 21 March 2019
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver CO

The Society for the Study of Early China is pleased to announce its
seventh annual conference. The conference will take place at the
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, Colorado, on Thursday, 21
March 2019, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As in past years, the SSEC meeting
will be held in conjunction with the Association for Asian Studies’
annual conference, but those who attend only the SSEC meeting are not
required to register for AAS. The SSEC meeting is free and open to the

We invite proposals for presentations on all topics related to Early
China (i.e., the Han dynasty and before). Presentations will be
approximately 20 minutes in duration. Proposals are due 15 October

Membership in the Society for the Study of Early China is not required
for participation in the conference. But if you are not a member of
the SSEC, we urge you to join and help support the Society’s
conference and other activities. To learn about the SSEC and how to
become a member, visit <>.

To submit a proposal, send in a single document:
• Your name, institutional affiliation (e.g., “Department of Ancient
History, Miskatonic University”), and formal title (e.g., “Doctoral
student,” “Professor,” etc.).
• Your institutional email and mailing addresses. (Put these in the proposal.)
• The title of your proposed presentation and a short abstract of not
more than 250 words. Remember that topics should be suited to a
presentation of about 20 minutes in duration.

Send your proposal (DOC or PDF format) from your institutional email
address to the organizing committee at <>.
Please direct questions to the same address.

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