From Yong Huang, Editor of Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy
Call for Papers for a special issue of Dao on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
In conjunction with our academic sponsor, Association of Chinese Philosophers in America, which is going to celebrate its 20th anniversary, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, which will have its own 15thbirthday, plans to publish a special issue (or special topic, depending upon the number of finally accepted papers; if more than enough papers are finally accepted, some space may be reserved for this theme in the immediately following issue), on the theme “Chinese and Comparative Philosophy: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections.” The inaugural issue of our journal was featured by an article of this nature by Robert Neville: “Two Forms of Comparative Philosophy.” Now, after 15 years of publication of quality articles and book reviews in Chinese and comparative philosophy, it is time for us to reflect on this issue again.
We are herewith calling for papers for this special issue, particularly from those experienced in doing Chinese and comparative philosophy. Papers submitted for this purpose should explicitly deal with theories and methodologies of comparative philosophy, with Chinese philosophy as the main focus. Papers dealing with specific Chinese/comparative philosophical themes as illustrations of the theories and methodologies under discussion are also appropriate. Submissions that we consider as not directly related to this special theme but deal with Chinese and comparative philosophy in general will be considered as submissions to our normal issues.
We have reserved space of volume 15 (2016), no. 4 (December) for this special issue. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2016. Papers presented at ACPA panels at 2016 APA Eastern annual meeting will not be automatically considered; if interested, their authors should submit the papers to this journal directly before the deadline.