One of our goals for Warp, Weft, and Way is that it be a source of information about what is published related to Chinese and/or comparative philosophy. To that end, I regularly post the Tables of Contents of the journals in this area:
- Dao
- Asian Philosophy
- Comparative Philosophy
- Journal of World Philosophy
- Contemporary Chinese Thought
- Frontiers of Philosophy in China
- Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture
- Comparative and Continental Philosophy
- Journal of East-West Thought
My goal is to post the TofC for each issue of these journals as it comes out (and label it with the Table of Contents “category”), which not only keeps readers abreast of the field but also makes searching the blog into quite a powerful tool. If anyone notices that I have missed an issue of one of those journals, or thinks that there are other journals that should be included, please let me know.
Articles related to our scope regularly appear in other journals. I have sometimes called attention to the, but would like to do a more systematic job of it. So, starting this week, once each week I will post information on such articles. Please send me information about any article you have published, or know of, that should be included in this weekly digest. (Again, anything that appears in a journal listed above will be listed in the TofC for that issue, and not listed in the separate, weekly digest.)
Finally, I will also continue my practice of collecting information on new (or new-to-me) book publications. As with the journal articles, from now on I plan on posting once per week on the books of that week. Please share with me information about any books that should be included in the weekly digest. This includes books that are newly published in paperback, for example, but in general I like to announce books only when they are actually published, rather than months in advance of actual publication.
Any comments/suggestions/corrections about all of this are welcome, and thanks to Brian Bruya for initiating a conversation about these matters that has led to the new process.
(Revised to add Journal of East-West Thought — thanks to Bill Haines for pointing out this omission.)
Thank you for your service to the profession, you really do quite a lot for it. I don’t know if others feel this way or have noted this, but I find that there is somewhat of a barrier between what philosophy and history folks do, and also that what might serve as the bridge, intellectual history, is somewhat weakly covered in journals outside East Asia. At least, that is my impression, for late imperial China, less so ancient and medieval China, perhaps.
Sorry for the shameless self-promotion, my 2016 Dao article, “The Problem of Authorship and the Project of Chinese Philosophy: ZHUANG Zhou and the Zhuangzi between Sinology and Philosophy in the Western Academy,” addresses some of the issues involved in that barrier you mentioned. There are some references in the article you might find useful.
One aspect of this is the question of methodological barriers (a potential response ot which is covered in Tao’s essay). Another aspect is more practical: are people with different training aware of potentially relevant scholarship? Given the practical focus of my post, I infer, Larry, that you’re calling attention to this latter aspect here?
And I agree that we can aim to bridge things here on the blog. Many articles published in Early China, HJAS, Ming-Qing Yanjiu, etc., etc. are of potential relevance to readers of the blog. I would be very happy to include such articles in the weekly digest, or to cover them in some other fashion. Any suggestions for how to do this — especially ones that are somehow practical, and even more so suggestions that involve volunteering to help out in some way — are very welcome!
Thanks to Bill’s suggestion, I have added The Journal of East-West Thought to the list in my original post. Please let me know if there are others that I’ve missed.
Thanks Stephen. Of course – you all are always inclusive here, and that’s great. Just throwing out something I’ve noticed over the years, the different circles of China scholars, in terms of conferences and journals, and so on. And thanks Professor Tao Jiang, I’ve found that article and it is spot on, confirming my impressions. And we should all be trying to promote what we are doing. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, a bad idea not to do so.