I am pleased to share the news that Eric Hutton’s much-anticipated Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi has been published. Click here for more information and to download the back matter and front matter for free (this includes the introduction).
A list of chapters and contributors is below the fold.
1 Style and Poetic Diction in the Xunzi
Martin Kern
2 Xunzi on Self-Cultivation
Aaron Stalnaker
3 Ethics in the Xunzi
Eric L. Hutton
4 Xunzi’s Political Philosophy
Eirik Lang Harris
5 Xunzi’s Metaethics
David B. Wong
6 Xing and Xunzi’s Understanding of Our Nature
Siufu TANG
7 Xunzi on Moral Psychology
Eric L. Hutton
8 Xunzi as a Theorist and Defender of Ritual
Mark Berkson
9 Xunzi on Music
Eric L. Hutton and James Harold
10 Language and Logic in the Xunzi
Chris Fraser
11 Religion in the Xunzi : What Does Tian 天 Have to Do with It?
John H. Berthrong
12 Xunzi Contra Mozi
Hui-chieh LOY
13 What Did Xunzi Learn from the Daoists?
Paul Kjellberg
14 Xunzi: An Early Reception History, Han Through Tang
Michael Nylan
15 Xunzi Among the Chinese Neo-Confucians
Justin Tiwald
16 The Xunzi in Edo Japan
Hung-Yueh LAN
17 Xunzi and Pre-Modern Korean Thinkers
Jaesang JUNG
Magnificent index locorum ! A real service.
Unless I am mistaken, this looks like all the contributors are men?
Can someone please shed some light on how the contributors for these “Dao Companion” books are decided?
@Bill Haines: Thanks!
@Jacob Bender: One of the contributors to the volume, Michael Nylan, is a woman.
I cannot speak for other editors in the series, but I was given great latitude in choosing authors for the volume, and I tried to be mindful about assembling a diverse group of authors. However, not everyone whom I invited accepted the invitation to write, and not all those who did accept my invitation did in fact submit the pieces they had agreed to write. One person who had originally submitted something for the volume later withdrew it, which necessitated a search for a replacement among a very small pool of people (worldwide) with relevant expertise. I would hazard that other editors in the series, and probably many editors of other books, have had similar experiences. At the end of the day, one has to decide whether to press ahead with a project given available time, resources, and people, or whether to keep delaying until one has assembled the “perfect” team, but the latter risks being unfair to junior scholars who need the publication for tenure (and for some institutions, “forthcoming” does not count—only the actual publications do). In fact, this particular project has taken almost 7 years from start to finish. At any rate, one should not assume that the table of contents represents everything that the editor might hope to achieve.
That said, I am very grateful to and proud of the contributors to the volume, and I hope the book will be useful for students and scholars.
I still think it might have been possible to find more than one female contributor.
Thank you for the information Eric. Sorry to hear that the editing process took that long too.