Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy lecture on meditation and the mind sciences this Thursday


Invites you to attend an upcoming event at PRINCETON UNIVERSITY hosted by the PRINCETON BUDDHIST STUDIES WORKSHOP

Welcoming: GEORGES DREYFUS (Williams College)

Please join us at Princeton University’s 1879 Hall, Room 137, on Thursday, November 14th, for his lecture called:  “Taking Meditation Seriously (But Not Too Much)”

ABSTRACT: In recent years the new mind sciences have provided new ways to study the mind in general and meditation in particular.  I will argue that the humanity scholars should take this new emerging paradigm seriously for it fills important gaps in our understanding of meditation and other religious phenomena.  In particular it offers a welcome break from extreme social constructivism and provides new tools to understand subjective experience and its place in religious practice.  I will also argue, however, that the reintroduction of notion of experience should not signal a return to the old mistakes and that the new paradigm, particularly in its embodied cognition form, provides ways to integrate the important insights of social constructivism within this new paradigm.

Date and time: November 14, 2013 (Thu)  4:30-6:00 pm

Place: 1879 Hall, Rm. 137



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