Harvard Conference: “Democracy & China: Philosophical-Political Reflections”

Democracy & China: Philosophical-Political Reflections

One-Day Workshop on Themes from the Work of Jiwei Ci

November 13, 2015, 9:30AM – 5:15 PM

Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Seminar Room

124 Mt. Auburn Street, 5th floor (use entrance on Mt. Auburn Street)

This workshop is part of a two-week visit by Jiwei Ci (Professor of Philosophy, University of Hong Kong) to Harvard in November 2015. The organizers of the visit are Tim Scanlon and Mathias Risse, with generous funding provided by various centers at Harvard. In addition to this workshop, Professor Ci will give five talks in different Harvard venues.


First Session: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Stephen Angle, Wesleyan University: “Confucian Leadership Meets Confucian Democracy

Commentators: Eric Beerbohm, Harvard University; Jiwei Ci, University of Hong Kong

Second Session: 11:15 AM – 12:45 PM

Loubna El Amine, Georgetown University: “Another kind of foundationalism: historical continuity and political order in Classical Confucian thought.”

Commentators: Tim Scanlon, Harvard University; Jiwei Ci, University of Hong Kong

12.45 PM: Lunch

Third Session: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Anna Sun, Kenyon College: “Civil Religion for Contemporary China: On the Democratic Emergence of Pluralistic Values”

Commentators: Jane Mansbridge, Harvard University; Jiwei Ci, University of Hong Kong

Fourth Session: 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM

May Sim, Holy Cross: “Confucian Values and Resources for a Democratic China”

Commentators: Mathias Risse, Harvard University; Jiwei Ci, University of Hong Kong

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