Mathew A. Foust and Sor-hoon Tan, eds., Feminist Encounters with Confucius (Brill, 2016) has been published. Congratulations! The table of contents follows, and see also here.
Introduction 1
Mathew A. Foust and Sor-hoon Tan
1 Confucius and the Four Books for Women (Nü Sishu «女四書») 14
Ann A. Pang-White
2 Confucian Mothering: The Origin of Tiger Mothering? 37
Ranjoo Seodu Herr
3 Beyond Sexism: The Need for an Intersectional Approach to Confucianism 66
George Wrisley and Samantha Wrisley
4 Confucian Reliability and Epistemic Agency: Engagements with Feminist Epistemology 95
Karyn Lai
5 Role Epistemology: Confucian Resources for Feminist Standpoint Theory 121
Kevin DeLapp
6 How Relational Selfhood Rearranges the Debate between Feminists and Confucians 141
Andrew Komasinski and Stephanie Midori Komasin
7 Confucian Ethics and Care: An Amicable Split? 165
Andrew Lambert
8 Confucian Role Ethics in the 21st Century: Domestic Violence, Same-sex Marriage, and Christian Family Values 190
Sarah A. Mattice
9 Contemporary Ecofeminism and Confucian Cosmology 218
Taine Duncan and Nicholas S. Brasovan