Free Access to journal Bamboo and Silk

Individuals are eligible for free access to the significant new journal Bamboo and Silk until 31 December 2019, using access token BSMS4U.

Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. Based on unearthed Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts from the Warring States period (476–221 BC) and Qin (221–206BC), Han (206BC–220 AD), Wei (220–265 AD) and Jin (265–420 AD) Dynasties, this journal focuses on studies of character identification and textual reconstitution, and studies of the social, political, economic and legal systems as well as ideology, culture, language, customs and other aspects reflected by these manuscripts. The journal includes research articles on bamboo and silk manuscripts and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed by anonymous outside experts as well as by the editorial board, and reflect the current state of international academic research issues on Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts.

Bamboo and Silk is primarily based on Jian Bo 簡帛, a Chinese journal that was initially published in 2006 by Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House Co., Ltd., with some articles chosen from Jian Bo 簡帛 and translated into English. The journal accepts submissions in English as well.

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