Job in Comparative Political Theory

Nanyang Technological University (NTU)’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences has rolled out a new undergraduate degree programme in Public Policy and Global Affairs (PPGA). The first-of-its kind in Singapore, the programme offers an interdisciplinary curriculum that combines politics and international relations, public policy, and public administration.

We are currently having a couple of openings for the position of Assistant Professor in our newly established programme, but they can be appointed at the associate professor level. For more information on these positions, see below or please click here.

Faculty positions in Public Policy and Global Affairs

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, invites qualified academics who possess PhDs and proven records of accomplishment in teaching and research to apply for two tenure-track positions as Assistant Professors in the following areas:

(a)      International Relations and Global Affairs

The areas of specialization are open but we are particularly interested in candidates whose research areas cover global affairs, international relations of Asia-Pacific and international relations theory, and who are able to develop a new teaching and research field of comparative regionalism with the focus on ASEAN or ASEAN plus 3. Research focus on Southeast Asia and ASEAN regionalism will be preferred but candidates whose research focus on other geographical areas may also be considered.

(b)     Political Theory or Comparative Political Theory

We welcome candidates who bring comparative (non-Western and Western) political thought to bear on issues of global justice and who examine Asian or indigenous political thought.

The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses in the area of political theory and/or international relations at the introductory as well as intermediate and upper levels. He or she is expected to teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and to offer courses in English with evidence of teaching effectiveness as well as evidence of an active scholarly agenda.

The outstanding applicants who have substantive publications and teaching experiences can be appointed as Associate Professors.

Public Policy and Global Affairs (PPGA) currently offers a Minor in Public Administration, a Major in Public Policy and Global Affairs, MA and PhD programmes by research, and General Elective courses.

The University offers competitive remuneration packages commensurate with qualification and experience, and also comprehensive benefits. For further information about the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, please refer to the following website:

To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for Submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment ( and send your application to:

Chair, Search Committee

C/O Public Policy and Global Affairs

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University
14 Nanyang Drive, #03-86
Singapore 637332

Applications sent via email should include a reference to “Assistant Professor in Public Policy and Global Affairs” in the subject line. Enquiries about the positions can be addressed to the above email.

Closing date for application is 28 February 2013. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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