The Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture is happy to announce the publication of Issue 37. This is a special issue guest-edited by Brad Cokelet. The Journal is published biannually (in February and August) and welcomes contributions of both articles and book reviews by qualified authors from around the world. Click here to see the full volume online. Read below for more information about the edition and the specific authors.
Issue 37 includes a Scholar’s Conner section by Justin Tiwald, “Philosophical Systematicity and Its Implications for Confucian and Comparative Philosophy,” a set of five essays providing critique and criticism of Bai Tongdong’s book Against Political Equality and a response by the author, an essay by Nicholas Lassi, “Confucian Ritual and Reduced Deviancy among Young People,” and a Feature Book review of Tao Jiang’s Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom by Karyn Lai.