Postdoc in Asian Philosophy at Melbourne

Laura Schroeter of the philosophy department at Melbourne (and fellow Univ. of Michigan doctoral program alum!) writes that their one-year postdoc position is still open for applications (deadline is June 17) and they encourage qualified specialists in Asian Philosophy to apply. According to Laura, “The position involves teaching an Asian phil survey course (probably around 40 students) and a small 4th year undergrad seminar (5-15 students), and runs from July 2012-July 2013. It’s funded through some research money of Graham Priest’s, and Graham may want some minor admin help. But basically it’s a low-teaching postdoc position.  We’re mainly interested in getting someone who’s good to talk philosophy with.” So, if you’re within something like a 5-year period since you’ve finished your doctoral degree, consider applying to spend a year in Australia with some good philosophers. Below are the particulars for application, as they appeared in the Jobs for Philosophers ad.

University of Melbourne, Melbourne (Australia)

One-year Lectureship/Research position, beginning second semester, 2012. 2 courses/year. AOS: Open; AOC: Asian philosophy. PhD prior to application. Some thesis supervision. Salary: AUD $85000. Online application: Deadline for applications: June 17, 2012. Contact: Prof. Graham Priest (

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