Just a quick reminder that the journal Dao gives out free promotional downloads of their top five downloaded articles at any given time. Here is the link (freebies are at the bottom of the page). There are some great articles right now on that list!
Just a quick reminder that the journal Dao gives out free promotional downloads of their top five downloaded articles at any given time. Here is the link (freebies are at the bottom of the page). There are some great articles right now on that list!
The only one it’s giving me for free is my own paper; smart! To get the free ones, I still have to add “?hideChart=1” to the end of the URL, and that gives me the same list of papers i got when you first noticed this feature.
You’re right! I was confused by the free download of your piece, which is downloadable because Volume 10.1 is downloading free as a separate promotion here: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1540-3009/10/1/
As you point out, the “most downloaded” free link is here: http://www.springer.com/philosophy/journal/11712?hideChart=1#realtime
I will change the link in the post as well.
That’s a lot less scary than having Springer somehow know it was me!