SJSU Symposium: Yi-Jing Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy & Society

SJSU Center for Comparative Philosophy Workshop/Conference Series presents a symposium:

Yi-Jing Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy & Society

Co-Sponsors: SJSU Philosophy Department & Dr. Chaote Lin Endowment
Time: 4th April 2013, Thursday, 10:00-17:00
Place: Conference Room 225-229, King Library,
San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA

The Center for Comparative Philosophy (‘CCP’ for short) at San Jose State University, California, USA,
has established its Workshop/Conference Series since 2009 to promote and enhance the research and
scholarship of comparative philosophy understood in a philosophically interesting way. The Series
emphasizes critical discussion and exploration of how distinct approaches from different philosophical
traditions (whether distinguished culturally or by style/orientation) can constructively engage each other
to jointly contribute to the common philosophical enterprise.

The 2013 term of the CCP Workshop/Conference Series is a small-size symposium on the theme
“Yi-Jing Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy & Society”. It is to explore two closely related
fronts on the theme: (1) how philosophical thoughts and resources of the Yi-Jing philosophy [as
delivered in the Yi-Jing (I Ching) text] can contribute (jointly with relevant resources from other
philosophical traditions and from contemporary society) to our understanding and treatment of a range
of issues or topics in philosophy and other intellectual inquiries in contemporary society through
constructive engagement; (2) how relevant resources in contemporary philosophy and in contemporary
society can help and enhance our understanding and elaboration of philosophical points and implications
of the Yi-Jing philosophy through philosophical interpretation.

The foregoing exploration is to be carried out for the sake of the constructive-engagement strategic goal
and methodology of comparative philosophy, which can be briefly highlighted as follows:
To explore how, by way of reflective criticism (including self-criticism) and argumentation, distinct
modes of thinking, methodological approaches, visions, substantial points of view, or conceptual and
explanatory resources from different philosophical traditions (whether distinguished culturally or by
styles/orientations of doing philosophy) can learn from each other and jointly contribute to the
contemporary development of philosophy and society on a range of issues or topics, which can be
jointly approached through appropriate philosophical interpretation and/or from a broader philosophical
vantage point.

It is acknowledged that the Dr. Chaote Lin Endowment has provided valuable financial support to the
symposium.2013 CCP Symposium Program

April 4, Thursday Morning
10:00 Welcome Reception (breakfast, coffee, and snack)
10:20-10:30 Opening Session
Peter Hadreas (Chair, Department of Philosophy, SJSU): Welcome address
Bo Mou (CCP Director, SJSU): Brief remarks on symposium theme
10:30-11:20 Session I
Chair Karin Brown (Department of Philosophy, San Jose State University)
Speaker: Peter Hadreas (Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, SJSU): “Plato’s Chora and Lao Zi’s
Dao: from the vantage point of the Yi-Jing method”
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-12:20 Session II
Chair Chanh Phan (Department of Humanities, San Jose State University)
Speaker Christian Jochim (Professor, Dept. of Humanities, SJSU): “Western Philosophical
Critique of Modernity: with help from the Yi-Jing and Dao-De-Jing”
12:20-13:30 Lunch
April 4, Thursday Afternoon
13:30-15:00 Session III
Chair Bo Mou (Department of Philosophy, San Jose State University)
Speaker Robert E. Allinson (Professor, Philosophy Program, Soka University of America):
“The Concept of Opposites in Hegel, the Yi-Jing, Mao and Contemporary China”
15:00-15:10 Break
15:10-16:00 Session IV
Chair Anthony Korsund (Department of Philosophy, San Jose State University)
Speaker Chanh Phan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities, SJSU): “Building Blocks of
Reality: A Comparative Dialogue between the Yi-Jing and Western Views”
16:00-16:10 Break
16:10-17:00 Session V
Chair Haoping He (Department of Philosophy, Peking University)
Speaker: Bo Mou (Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, SJSU): “Reflection on the Nature of
Ideographic Language in the Yi-Jing: Engaging the Lockean and the Fregean

All are welcome; if you plan to attend, please make your (free) registration via email by April 1.

Breakfast, coffee/tea and lunch will be served for all registered participants.

For relevant information and inquiry, contact Bo Mou at
The website of the SJSU Center for Comparative Philosophy: http:///

One reply

  1. I have just found the description of the CCP symposium, April, 2013 on I hope it was a success. I am emailing to ask if there is a transcript of the proceedings of this event, available to me, either online or hardcopy. I would grateful, as I study and teach the Yijing to acupuncture students here in the Asheville area…

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