The Society for the Study of Early China is pleased to announce its Fifth Annual Conference, which will take place in Toronto on Thursday, 16 March 2017. Like our previous meetings, this one will take place in conjunction with the Association for Asian Studies’ Annual Conference. Registration for the AAS event is not required to attend the SSEC meeting.
We invite proposals for presentations at the meeting on all topics related to Early China (i.e., Han dynasty and before). Presentations will be 20 minutes in duration. Proposals are due 15 October 2016.
Please include in your proposal:
- Your institutional affiliation, including your title (e.g., “Doctoral student,” “Assistant Professor”).
- Your email address and institutional mailing address. (Please put both in your proposal and do not expect us to take your email address from your message.)
- The title of your proposed presentation and a short abstract of 250 words. Remember that your topic should be suited to presentation in 20 minutes. Send your proposal in DOC or PDF format to the organizing committee at <>.
For more information about the conference, please see the Society for the Study of Early China website at <>. If you are not a member of the SSEC, we urge you to join and help support the conference and other activities of the Society. To learn about the SSEC and how to become a member, visit <>.
We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!
The Organizing Committee for SSEC 2017
The correct date is March 16, incidentally.
Thanks for the correction, Paul; I have updated the post