Vol. 45, no. 2 (November 2017) of the Journal of Chinese Religions is now online at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/yjch20/45/2?nav=tocList. This issue contains reviews of several recent books in Chinese philosophy.
Bodhidharma outside Chan Literature: Immortal, Inner Alchemist, and Emissary from the Eternal Realm
Ancestral Force in Iconic Imagery: Death and Continuance in a South China Village
Making “Science” from “Superstition”: Conceptions of Knowledge Legitimacy among Contemporary Yijing Diviners
Sébastien Billioud and Joël Thoraval, The Sage and the People: The Confucian Revival in China (ANNA SUN)
King Pong Chiu, Thomé H. Fang, Tang Junyi and Huayan Thought: A Confucian Appropriation of Buddhist Ideas in Response to Scientism in the Twentieth Century (ERIK HAMMERSTROM)
Jennifer Eichman, A Late Sixteenth-Century Chinese Buddhist Fellowship: Spiritual Ambitions, Intellectual Debates, and Epistolary Connections (YIQUN ZHOU)
Eirik Lang Harris, The Shenzi Fragments: A Philosophical Analysis and Translation (YURI PINES)
Steven Heine, Chan Rhetoric of Uncertainty in the Blue Cliff Record: Sharpening a Sword at the Dragon Gate (DESHENG ZONG)
Jeehee Hong, Theater of the Dead: A Social Turn in Chinese Funerary Art, 1000–1400 (AURELIA CAMPBELL)
Wilt L. Idema, trans., The Immortal Maiden Equal to Heaven and Other Precious Scrolls from Western Gansu (KATHERINE ALEXANDER)
Jan Kiely and J. Brooks Jessup, eds., Recovering Buddhism in Modern China (HUNG-YOK IP)
N. Harry Rothschild, Emperor Wu Zhao and Her Pantheon of Devis, Divinities, and Dynastic Mothers (HUAIYU CHEN)
Paul Rouzer, On Cold Mountain: A Buddhist Reading of the Hanshan Poems (CHRISTOPHER BYRNE)
Barend J. ter Haar, Practicing Scripture: A Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China (THOMAS JANSEN)
Brook A. Ziporyn, Emptiness and Omnipresence: An Essential Introduction to Tiantai Buddhism (WING-CHEUK CHAN)