The UPDirectory—Directory of Philosophers from Underrepresented Groups in Philosophy—currently contains entries for over 1,000 philosophers in the English-speaking world who are members of underrepresented groups in philosophy, including women, racial and ethnic minorities, disabled philosophers, and LGBTQ philosophers, among others. It is the only resource that collects information about the work of philosophers from underrepresented groups. At the request of its creators, the American Philosophical Association has taken on the operations of the UPDirectory.
Conference organizers can use the UPDirectory to locate philosophers from underrepresented groups with expertise in the subject of the conference. Editors can use it to find referees or contributors to anthologies. Hiring committees can use it to broaden their applicant pools. Philosophy instructors can use it to construct more inclusive syllabi.
Participation in the UPDirectory is voluntary. In order to keep the directory current, we ask philosophers from underrepresented groups to add themselves to the directory. You can also update your information or invite other philosophers to be listed.