Visiting opportunities at Shandong University in China

1. 中外合作培养博士项目:资助在外国大学注册的博士生来华学习1至2年,由外国大学单独、或中外大学同时授予博士学位。申请者汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩不低于3级。
2. 来华攻读博士学位项目:资助外国学生来华攻读博士学位。申请者汉语水平考试(HSK)须达到5级。
3. “理解中国”访问学者项目:资助相当于助理教授资历以上的教师或研究人员、博士后人员来华访学研修,时间为2周至10个月。
4. 青年领袖项目:资助外国大学高年级本科生和硕士生,外国政界、商界、学界等各界优秀青年来华考察访学,时间为2周至6个月。


联系电话:15806677335 电子邮件


Dear Professor:
Greetings from Professor Huang Yushun of Shandong University!
I am Huang Yushun, a professor form Institute for Advanced Study of Confucianism, Shandong University, China. My research areas cover Chinese philosophy, especially Confucian philosophy; Chinese-Western comparative philosophy, especially comparative study of Confucianism and Phenomenology; Chinese Ethics and Political Philosophy.

My academic achievements are: 1. The founder of Life Confucianism, an influential school of contemporary Confucianism; 2.The discoverer of the ancient poetry hidden in the Book of Change; 3.One of the pioneers of the comparative study of Confucianism and Phenomenology, which is a new field of academic research; 4.The initiator of the Chinese Theory of Justice, which is a new field of Chinese Ethics and Political Philosophy
I am the first group of Ph.D tutor of “Confucius China Study Plan”. “Confucius China Study Plan” is launched by The China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(NOCFL)and Confucius Institute Headquarters, which aims to recommend Ph.D candidates and excellent master degree winner to China, in order to foster deep understanding of China and the Chinese culture among young elites from around the world. The Headquarters will provide each approved candidate a subsidy of up to 200,000 RMB per year, which may include: the research fund in China, tuition, lodging and living stipend, as well as tutoring fees to the foreign and Chinese tutors.
“Confucius China Study Plan” consists of six subprograms.
1). Sino-foreign Joint Ph.D. Subprogram: sponsor newly registered or current Ph. D. students from a foreign university to pursue 1-2 years of studies in a Chinese university. Students who successfully complete the program will receive their Ph. D. degree either from the foreign university or from both Chinese and foreign universities simultaneously. In general, eligible candidates should be under forty and their HSK test score no less than level 3.
2). Ph. D. in China Subprogram: sponsor foreign students to pursue Ph. D. degree at a Chinese university. In general, eligible candidates should be under forty and their HSK test score no less than level 5.
3). “Understanding China” Visiting Scholar Subprogram: sponsor foreign faculties/ research fellows, with credentials of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) and above, to undertake research projects in China for a period of 2 weeks to 10 months.
4). Young Leaders Subprogram: sponsor senior year undergraduate or master program students of foreign universities, as well as outstanding youth from areas of politics, business or academics to visit China and participate in short-term study programs, for a period of 2 weeks to 6 months. In general, eligible candidates should be under forty.
I take responsibly for the following research projects:
I. Ecological Spiritual Value of Chinese Culture
II. Ancient Chinese Philosophy as One of Social Systems
III. The Thoughts of Confucianism Nature Before Confucian School
IV. Humanistic Spirit and Universal Value of Confucianism

I sincerely wish to have collaboration with you, and hope you recommend excellent students to China and join my study projects. Much gratitude!
I am looking forward to your reply!

Huang Yushun

Cellphone: +86 15806677335 Email:

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