Warp, Weft, and Way is an international website for information about Chinese and Comparative philosophy. Its primary purpose is to promote and stimulate discussion of Chinese philosophy and cross-tradition inquiry among scholars and students of philosophy, whatever their level of training. Contributors include active scholars with a variety of philosophical interests and approaches.
Contributors Stephen Angle and Manyul Im administer the site behind the scenes. Any questions or requests regarding the site and its operations may be directed to them. Contact information is available under their entries on the Contributor page. In order to maintain a dynamic conversational quality, discussion comments are not initially moderated. As a policy and a courtesy to other participants, comment or discussion authors must identify themselves with their first and last names. Exceptions will be made by request only to one of the administrators. If the site administrators are unable to contact and verify identity, entries will be removed. While a SPAM robot stands guard to prevent obvious intrusions, the administrators reserve the right to judge the appropriateness of any posted comment.
Warp, Weft, and Way is an academic venture. Neither the administrators nor the contributors profit financially from its contents.
NOTE: Any quoted material from this website must be properly cited, according to professional standards, for example as outlined here. Posts and comments are the intellectual property of their contributors.