I trust that anyone looking for fellowship support already knows about the standard ACLS Fellowships, applications for which are due next week, along with the extremely nice Ryskamp Fellowships. It’s worth keeping in mind the following opportunities as well:
- “Comparative Perspectives” grants are designed to support anything from brainstorming sessions to formal conferences, and have an explicit emphasis on projects that “compare aspects of Chinese history and culture with those of other nations and civilizations, explore the interaction of these nations and civilizations, or engage in cross-cultural research….” Deadline is Nov. 19.
- Then there is the Luce/ACLS Fellowships in China Studies, which offer three different kinds of support, including predissertation grants, postdoctoral fellowships, and reading workshop grants.
All of these can potentially be supported by the Munro Fund, which as previously reported here is designed to support “research projects on Chinese philosophical traditions and ethical systems that exhibit high quality in sinology and in critical analysis, as well as relevance to human problems.”