Appeal for Eastern APA Submissions

I post this at Brad Cokelet’s request. Please note that the submission deadline for the 2019 Eastern APA is February 15, 2018.

Hello, fellow philosophers!  This is my second year on the Program Committee for the Eastern Division APA, and I want to strongly encourage philosophers working on Asian traditions to submit 3000-5000 word papers for the 2019 Eastern APA, which will be held in New York City.  I was surprised last year by the low number of Asian papers that I saw while serving on the Program Committee and I am sure more submissions would be warmly welcomed by everyone involved.  

I am only speaking for myself, and not the APA or the rest of the people involved in the process, but I believe publishing philosophers working on Asian traditions and figures will have a very solid chance of acceptance if they submit a paper, especially one that contributes to an on-going debate. Like many of you, I would be excited to see more papers of this sort on the main program so that philosophers who do not work on Asian philosophy can come to appreciate the complexity of the ideas and debates in the field.  Please consider working up a short paper to submit to the on-line system, which is now open!

Bradford Cokelet
Department of Philosophy
University of Kansas

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