The next session of the Columbia University Seminar on Neo-Confucian Studies will convene Friday, April 3, 2015 from 3:30 to 5:30pm in the Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University. Chi-keung Chan 陳志強, a Ph.D candidate at The Chinese University of Hong Kong who is currently a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Boston University, will present the paper “A Confucian Theory of Immorality: From Classical Confucianism to Neo-Confucianism.” The main paper is in Chinese and is titled 《陽明與蕺山過惡思想的理論關聯-廉論「一滾說」的理論意涵》. Copies of the paper, as well as an English summary and some additional recent work on that subject in English by the presenter, are available from the organizers. All are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, contact one of our organizers: Ari Borrell (, Tao Jiang (, or Deborah Sommer (