Author Archives: karynlai

Call for proposals: Philosophy Compass

The Chinese comparative philosophy section of Philosophy Compass is seeking paper submissions.

Philosophy Compass is an online, blind peer-reviewed journal from Wiley-Blackwell. It has an SCImago Quartile 1 ranking. The journal publishes original survey articles (approx. 5,000 words), which summarise the state of the field for non-specialists. They can discuss recent research or debates in a field, provide a comparative look across boundaries/disciplines, or offer a fresh perspective on a controversial topic. Authors are also encouraged to present their own perspective. Click here to see the list of papers in this section.

If you have a paper you wish to be considered for publication, please get in touch with me:

Stanford Encyclopedia Chinese Philosophy Entries (call for suggestions)

We are seeking to expand the Stanford Encyclopedia list of entries in Chinese philosophy, and are seeking suggestions.  We are aware there are many gaps in the coverage and we have some topics in mind already.  However, we thought we should also ask for suggestions from members of this group, on entries that would be helpful.  Please keep your suggestions brief and please bear in mind the nature of the SEP and its readership ( We welcome suggestions on topics as well as authors.  The current list is appended below for your reference.

Best wishes,

Karyn Lai (University of New South Wales, Sydney)

Tan Sor-Hoon (Singapore Management University)


New Book: Skill and Mastery: Philosophical Stories from the Zhuangzi

This valuable collection of illuminating analysis of skill stories from the Zhuangzi, a 4th century BCE Daoist text opens up new lines of inquiry in comparative East-West philosophical debates on skill, cultivation and mastery, as well as cross-disciplinary debates in psychology, cognitive science and philosophy.

Thanks to the editors of the series, PJ Ivanhoe, Sungmoon Kim and Eirik Lang Harris.

What a delight for Wai Wai Chiu and me to work with such amazing contributors: Frank Perkins, David Machek, Timothy Connolly, Romain Graziani, Steve Coutinho, Eric Schwitzgebel, James Sellman, Lisa Raphals, Chris Fraser, Wim De Reu, Albert Galvany, Chong Kim-chong and Hans-Georg Moeller.

Call for Registration – Curing through Questioning: Philosophy as Therapy Across Ancient Traditions and Modern Applications

Call for Registration – Curing through Questioning: Philosophy as Therapy Across Ancient Traditions and Modern Applications

1st-2nd June 2019
Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre
Worcester College, University of Oxford

Registration is open for a two-day interdisciplinary conference – ‘Curing through Questioning: Philosophy as Therapy Across Ancient Traditions and Modern Applications’ – to take place on 1st-2nd June 2019 at the Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre in Worcester College, University of Oxford.

We are glad to confirm the following invited speakers:

Amber D. Carpenter (Yale-NUS College)
Jessica Frazier (University of Oxford)
Barbara Jikai Gabrys (Zen Master in the Hakuin-Inzan line of the Rinzai tradition; University of Oxford)
Christopher Gill (University of Exeter)
Livia Kohn (Boston University)
Karyn Lai (University of New South Wales)
Graham Parkes (University of Vienna)
Graham Priest (City University of New York)
Katja Vogt (Columbia University)

Seven graduate/early career researchers selected through our CfA will also be giving papers:

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CFA – Curing through Questioning: Philosophy as Therapy Across Ancient Traditions and Modern Applications – Deadline: 1st March 2019

We invite proposals for papers to be given at an interdisciplinary conference on the theme ‘Curing through Questioning: Philosophy as Therapy Across Ancient Traditions and Modern Applications’, to take place at Worcester College, University of Oxford, on 1st – 2nd June 2019. The invited speakers are Jessica Frazier (University of Oxford), Livia Kohn (Boston University), Karyn Lai (University of New South Wales), Graham Parkes (University of Vienna), Graham Priest (City University of New York) and Katja Vogt (Columbia University).

Looking back to the ancient world, a common thread connecting a wide range of traditions across the globe is an inherent link between theoretical questioning and the development of therapeutic practices. We welcome abstracts which address either of the following themes:

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New Book: Cultivating a Good Life in Early Chinese and Ancient Greek Philosophy

Part I: Harmony, Balance, Beauty: Understanding Conceptions of Cultivation
1. Cultivation and Harmony: Plato and Confucius (Rick Benitez, University of Sydney, Australia)
2. Cultivating Noble Simplicity: Plato (L.M.J. Coulson, University of Sydney, Australia)
3. The Beauty Ladder and the Mind-heart Excursion: Plato and Zhuangzi (Wang Keping, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing)
4. Awareness and Spontaneity: Three Perspectives in the Zhuangzi (Lisa Raphals, University of California, Riverside, USA)
5. Understanding “Dao’s Patterns”: Han Fei (Barbara Hendrischke, Sydney University, Australia)

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Chinese philosophy resources for teaching

Hi all, I compiled a list of Chinese philosophy resources for teaching for the APA Blog. Please feel free to add to it, though bear in mind that the list is not for full-semester Chinese philosophy courses but specifically for non-expert instructors who wish to introduce some glimpses into Chinese philosophy.  The discussions shouldn’t be too technical and must generally be accessible for undergraduate students.

PhD scholarship in Chinese-Western Comparative Philosophy: Comparative Epistemology. AUD$50,000 per year over 4 years plus fee waiver

PhD scholarship in Chinese-Western Comparative Philosophy
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

We invite applications from prospective PhD students to work on the research topic below. The scholarship will run over 4 years, and the following will be provided:

– Tuition fee waiver
– AUD$40,000 p.a. stipend (tax-free)
– Up to AUD$10,000 p.a. career development funds

PhD Research Project Title
Epistemology enlarged: knowledge as practice in Chinese and Western philosophy

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