ISCWP August 2018 Newsletter

The August 2018 newsletter has been published and can be accessed here. This issue features updates from some of the society’s members on their various activities, notice of  two group sessions at the 2019 APA-Eastern Division Meeting in New York City, and a call for proposals for the 2019 APA-Pacific Division Meeting in Vancouver.
This and past newsletters are available on their web site at the following address:


ACPA-Call for Papers/Abstracts (for Pacific APA 2019)

Call for Papers and Abstracts:  ACPA at 2019 Pacific APA (Vancouver, Canada, April 17 – 20, 2019)
Submission deadline:  October 1, 2018
Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) group session at the 2019 Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA).
April 17 – 20 (Wed – Sat), 2019, the Westin Bayshore, in Vancouver Canada

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Call for Papers and Abstracts: ISCP panels at APA Pacific: March 30, 2016 – April 3, 2016

You are cordially  invited to submit either (1) abstracts for  individual paper or (2) a proposal for a complete panel for ISCP panels at the 2016 APA Pacific Division Meeting.
The submission should contain full name/affiliation/ email address.

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In a world of “Confucius Says (子曰),” What Can Confucius Say About Gay Marriage?

7/25/15: Upon review this blog has been edited significantly for grammatical correctness and clarity. I apologize for any glaring difficulties and hope that this revised version is easier to follow.

Synopsis: This paper-length blog post covers some of the developments in the gay-marriage debate among contemporary Confucian scholars. Throughout this piece I summarize and reconsider some of the proposed stances that some modern Confucian scholars take towards same-sex marriage. I consider what I call the Mengzi/Child Argument, the Metaphyiscal Argument, the Ren Argument, and the Institutional Argument.

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Call for Papers: “New Ways of Reading Early Chinese Texts”

Although Zhou texts have been extensively commented upon for nearly 2,500 years, recent events have fundamentally altered the way these texts are understood. These events include the still-influential Doubting Antiquity movement, discovery of  previously unknown manuscripts during excavations, archaeology of material culture that expands our knowledge of Zhou life, and new phonetic restorations of ancient Chinese. In present day China, some early texts have been adapted into popular culture — the Confucian scholar Yu Dan has become a celebrity based on her charismatic presentation of the Lunyu.
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