Gabriella Stanchina’s The Art of Becoming Infinite: Mou Zongsan’s Vertical Rethinking of Self and Subjectivity has just been published by Open Books; see here for full access. The publisher’s summary follows:
Author Archives: Steve Angle
Sinological Development Charitable Foundation 10th Summer Program in Chinese Studies
New Series: Anthem Series in Ancient East-West Philosophy
Anthem Press has just established a new, exciting series in Ancient Philosophy, East and West. This is a brief description of the Series and its main aims:
Anthem Series in Ancient East-West Philosophy
(Ancient Greek philosophy, Indian philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, Arabic philosophy, Chinese philosophy, Comparative philosophy)
The book series aims to make exciting, innovative studies in ancient comparative philosophy (written by younger and more experienced academics) available to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to scholars. Key themes in this series will be ancient philosophy, that is, ancient Greek, Buddhist, Chinese and Arabic philosophies, researched and assessed both on their own terms and comparatively (in relation to each other as well as to contemporary philosophy).
There would be two main kinds of volumes in the series: introductions and studies.
Introductions will be around 50k at maximum (although in some cases they may be longer if dealing with different philosophical traditions at the same time) and will be aimed at scholars and students wishing to read accessible accounts of the main philosophical traditions of antiquity. Studies will be around 70-100k and will provide more systematic coverage of key-topics and authors in ancient philosophical traditions, again in one of them or comparatively.
Please contact the series editor, Ugo Zilioli (Faculty of Theology and Religion / Oxford Network Ancient Philosophy), if you need further information/want to discuss a proposal/wish to send in a formal proposal:
CFP: History of Philosophy Society
The History of Philosophy Society (HOPS) conference will be held in Salt Lake City from March 28-29 this year. The conference will feature keynote addresses by Brook Ziporyn (Chicago) and Massimiliano Tomba (UC Santa Cruz), as well as a text seminar by Emanuela Bianchi (NYU).
If you are interested, please submit an abstract of 500-750 words by January 20th (see detailed instructions in the CFP attached).
Angle Reviews Slote, Philosophical Essays East and West
My review of Michael Slote’s 2023 book Philosophical Essays East and West: Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and other topics at the intersection of Chinese thought and Western analytic philosophy has now been published on-line in Mind (see here). The review begins:
For more than a decade, Michael Slote has been undertaking an ambitious program of philosophical engagement with Chinese philosophy. The volume under review is the latest fruit of this engagement, which to date has resulted in at least seven English-language journal articles (the earliest dating from 2009) and one prior collection of essays; a bilingual English-Chinese book; numerous Chinese-language essays (translated from English originals); and a collection of essays called Michael Slote Encountering Chinese Philosophy in which a variety of scholars discuss his work and Slote responds. The present review will focus on Philosophical Essays East and West while keeping this larger body of work in view.
Over the course of the fairly lengthy review I discuss Slote’s “world philosophy” approach and his extensive use of the concepts of yin and yang, xin, and various other categories derived from Chinese philosophy. In brief, I find Slote’s work to be both methodologically and substantively fascinating. Comments are of course welcome!
New Book: Angle and Jin, eds., Progressive Confucianism and Its Critics
I am happy to announce the publication of a new book, Stephen C. Angle and Yutang Jin, eds., Progressive Confucianism and Its Critics: Dialogues from the Confucian Heartland (Routledge, 2025). More information on the book can be found here. This book is a translation into English of a series of dialogues that I held with Chinese Confucians in Beijing in the spring of 2017. The Introduction and part of the first dialogue are available at Amazon here, in case you’d like to learn more. Enjoy!
CFP: Confucian Contemplation
CFP: SACP Annual Conference
The 57th annual Conference of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy will be held at Leiden University from July 9-11, 2025.
We invite individual and panel proposals on any topic consistent with the SACP mission of advancing intercultural philosophy. The SACP board especially welcomes paper and panel submissions that reflect diverse Asian and comparative approaches to traditional philosophical concerns, as well as critical engagement with contemporary issues of global concern.
Revised Book: Ng, Zhu Xi’s Theory of Self-Cultivation of Probing Principle
A revised and much-expanded version of Ng Kai-chiu 吳啟超’s book, 《朱子的窮理工夫論》[Zhu Xi’s Theory of Self-Cultivation of Probing Principle] has been published by National Taiwan University Press. More information in both Chinese and English (the book is in Chinese) is available here.
New Books: Rogacz and Ambrogio, eds., Chinese Philosophy and its Thinkers
The massive, three-volume Chinese Philosophy and its Thinkers: From Ancient Times to the Present Day
(General Editors: Dawid Rogacz & Selusi Ambrogio) has been published by Bloomsbury. The three volumes are:
- Volume I: Chinese Ancient and Early Imperial Philosophy
- Volume II: Chinese Imperial Philosophy After Buddhism
- Volume III: Chinese Philosophy from the Eighteenth Century to the Present
See here for more information, including tables of contents. Congratulations to Profs. Rogacz and Ambrogio for shepherding this project to completion!