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A New Book Series: Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy

A New Book Series Published by Springer

Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy

Series Editor: Huang Yong


While ‘‘philosophy’’ is a Western term, it is not something exclusively Western. In this increasingly global world, the importance of non-Western philosophy becomes more and more obvious. Among all the non-Western traditions, Chinese philosophy is certainly one of the richest. In a history of more than 2500 years, many extremely important classics, philosophers, and schools have been produced. As China is becoming an economical power today, it is only natural that more and more people become interested in learning about the cultural tradition, including the philosophical tradition, of China.

The Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy series aims to provide the most comprehensive and most updated introduction to various aspects of Chinese philosophy as well as philosophy heavily influenced by Chinese philosophy. Each volume in this series focuses on an individual school, text, or person.

Volumes Published or under Contract

The first volume in the series, Dao Companion to Neo-Confucian Philosophy, edited by John Makeham, has been published.

Other volumes under contract:

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