The Fall 2017 issues of the various APA Newsletters have been published on-line, including the APA Newsletter on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies, the Table of Contents of which I post below.
Category Archives: American Philosophical Association
Submitting papers to the APA Pacific Main Program
Since I have heard from some APA folks that they are keen to increase the diversity of traditions represented on the APA main programs, it makes sense to pass on the below reminder here.
Paper submissions for the 2018 APA Pacific Division meeting in San Diego, California, are currently open. Submissions close at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on September 1. If you have a paper you would like to present, please you submit it as soon as possible at the paper submissions website. We urge you submit your paper before 2 p.m. Pacific time on Friday, September 1, after which there will be nobody available at the national office to provide technical assistance.
CFP: SACP at 2018 Eastern APA
2018 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association
January 3-6th, 2018. Savannah Convention Center, Savannah, GA.
Submission deadline: June 16th, 2017
Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP) group sessions at the 2018 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA).
Chinese Phil-Related Panels at Pacific APA
I have done my best to compile and organize chronologically all the Chinese Philosophy-related panels, lectures, and other events at the Pacific APA, coming up in Seattle next week. If you notice anything I have left out, please let me know. I did not include papers or panels that relate solely to other East Asian traditions — happily, there are several of these, but I decided to limit myself to Chinese philosophy for the purpose of this list.
Olberding: “Degenerate Skepticism and the Thieves of Philosophy”
Amy Olberding has published an essay called “Degenerate Skepticism and the Thieves of Philosophy” on the “Department of Deviance” website. She explains the essay’s origin:
An essay presented at a special APA session on what Chinese philosophy can contribute to contemporary philosophy. There are increasingly many sessions at APA meetings pitched to offer the non-specialist an entry into “non-western” philosophy. Rarely are these attended by anyone who is not already a specialist in “non-western” philosophy. The essay here is not about how Chinese philosophy can contribute to contemporary debate. It is instead a polemic about the folly of this question in the current atmosphere within the discipline.
CFP: Korean Philosophy
From Halla Kim:
The North American Korean Philosophy Association will hold a session or two at the Pacific Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association in Seattle, April 12-15, 2017. We are pleased to accept proposals for presentations and panels.
This time we have not set any theme for the session(s) but it should be related to some aspect of Korean philosophy broadly conceived. For example, the concept of emotion in (a phases of) Korean neo-Confucian movement or the notion of emptiness in the Korean Zen tradition or in a comparative framework. Paper abstracts should be 150-200 words in length. Complete panel proposals should include: panel title, a 150-word introduction to the theme of the panel, and a 150-word abstract for each of the papers. Include each presenter’s name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation. Graduate students and Post-docs are welcome to apply. The review will begin immediately and close on September 30. Since group sessions are determined on a first come first serve basis at the Pacific meetings, we encourage you to act quickly. Please send your abstracts to:
CFP: ISCP Panels at 2017 Pacific APA
International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) invites you to participate in the ISCP panels at APA Pacific Division Meeting at the Westin Seattle from April 12 to April 15, 2017. The themes and topics are open as long as they are connected with Chinese philosophy.
Your submission should include the following information:
1. Title of Paper
2. Name of Presenter
3. Presenter’s Affiliation
4. Presenter’s e-mail address
5. Approximately 200-word Paper Abstract
Please send your submission to Robin Wang at by September 25, 2016.
CFP/CFA: ACPA group sessions at 2017 Pacific APA
- Association of Chinese Philosophers in North America (ACPA) group sessions at the 2017 Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA)
- April 12 – 15, 2017.
- Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA.
Behuniak on Van Norden on Chinese Philosophy
The following is a guest post by Jim Behuniak of Colby College. Please address any comments to Jim!
Van Norden on Chinese Philosophy in the U.S.
The recently concluded 11th East-West Philosopher’s Conference in Honolulu featured a number of sessions on the “place” of non-Western philosophy in the academy. Excellent presentations by Carine Defoort, Tao Jiang, Amy Olberding, Brian Bruya, and others, along with questions and discussion by Steve Angle, Roger Ames, Cheng Chung-ying and many others, brought the issue empirically and conceptually into focus over the ten days. This has me reflecting on Bryan Van Norden’s recent promotions of Chinese philosophy in the United States.
Department of Deviance Blog
Frustrated by many of the comments generated by recent calls for more openness in philosophy, Amy Olberding whipped up the “Department of Deviance” blog site. Enjoy!