CFP: European Association for Chinese Philosophy

The 4th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) will take place in Macerata, Italy on June 16-18, 2023. The theme for the conference is “Interpretation and reinvention”. Scholars interested in Chinese philosophy and philosophy in China are invited to submit proposals for individual papers or panels to Selusi Ambrogio.  The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2022. Click here for more information on submissions and the conference as a whole.

Defoort & van Els, Confucius spreekt (Confucius Speaks)

Carine Defoort and Paul van Els have published Confucius spreekt (Confucius Speaks). Antwerp: Pelckmans, 2021. Paul writes:

While the book is written in Dutch, perhaps the Warp, Weft, and Way community might like to be kept abreast of relevant developments outside the English-speaking world? In any case, I made a quick English translation of the book-page on my website.

CFP: EACP online conference on Chinese Philosophy

The European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) is hosting its first online conference on December 3rd 2021, in the theme of “Chinese Philosophy: Paths Between Convergence and Divergence” (more info here; deadline for submission October 31st).

We are particularly excited for the opportunity afforded by the online medium to get to know scholars of Chinese philosophy who cannot normally travel to Europe for our conferences. We strongly encourage the participation of junior scholars, women, scholars of color, and other groups who aren’t well represented in the fields of Chinese philosophy and Sinology.

I hope we’ll get to see many new faces and that many will get advantage of this opportunity to get to know our association.

You can write Mercedes Valmisa ( and Selusi Ambrogio ( with any questions or suggestions!

Mercedes Valmisa
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Gettysburg College
Secretary/Treasurer ACPA
Board EACP




The Analects of Confucius – Seminar Series (Oxford)

Philiminality Oxford is delighted to announce an upcoming series of talks (online) on the Analects of Confucius. The ideas to be found in the Analects have been so influential that they are often seen as the cornerstone of Confucianism. In this seminar series, we will be hosting three talks on the Analects by leading experts in Confucian thought, covering topics in ethics and political thought.
  • Prof. Stephen Angle (Wesleyan University), “The Analects and Modern Moral Philosophy” (Monday 3 May, 3-4.30pm BST)
  • Prof. LI Chenyang (Nanyang Technological University), “Li as Cultural Grammar: On the Relation Between Li and Ren in Confucius’ Analects” (Monday 17 May, 10-11.30am BST)
  • Prof. TAN Sor-Hoon (Singapore Management University), “Confucian Democracy and the Analects” (Monday 31 May, 10-11.30am BST)

To register and receive Zoom details, please register here:

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at:  philiminality.ox[at]

Organisers: Heeyoung Tae, Lea Cantor, Sihao Chew, and Flaminia Pischedda

Abstracts of all three talks follow.

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EACP Online Event: A Digital Humanities Approach to Modern Confucianism

EACP Online Event: A Digital Humanities Approach to Modern Confucianism

Friday April 23, 2021, 2pm – 4pm (Central European Summer Time)

Ralph Weber, Philippe Major, Chan Yim Fong and Milan Matthiesen from the University of Basel will be giving an online talk on the topic “A Digital Humanities Approach to Modern Confucianism.”

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PhD Position in ‘Confucianism and Ethics of Technology’

This PhD project, part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme at Delft University of Technology, investigates the technological challenge for Confucian political theory on the one hand, and the contribution that Confucian political theory can make to debates on the ethics of technology on the other. Confucianism can be especially illuminating for the ethical studies on digital technologies because of its focus on social relationships as opposed to more-individualistic approaches to the ethics of technologies

To learn more about the position click here.

PhD (or Postdoc) scholarship in a Kang Youwei project at KU Leuven, Chinese Studies

PhD (or Postdoc) scholarship in a Kang Youwei project at KU Leuven, Chinese Studies (Belgium) funded by Research Foundation (FWO) – Flanders
4 years PhD (October 2021–September 2025) or 3 years Postdoc (October 2021– September 2024)

This scholarship is offered in the context of a research project on the portrayal of Kang Youwei as an “in-between” figure in contemporary Chinese academia (for more details, see “Project” below). We are looking for a PhD (or Postdoc) student in Sinology, Chinese studies, Chinese philosophy, or Chinese intellectual history willing to research current views on Kang Youwei in relation to past, present and future issues in religion, politics, education, philosophy, or history.

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CFP: Philosophy in Times of Crisis – Theoretical Perspectives East and West

Call for Papers: International Summer School

Philosophy in Times of Crisis – Theoretical Perspectives East and West

August 9th – 14th 2021, University of Tübingen

The summer school aims to bring together leading experts and junior scholars from the fields of social and political theory as well as Chinese philosophy. Our starting point is the frequently proclaimed crisis of liberalism which is often taken to affect the very heart of Western political values and identity. At the same time, public debate frequently points to Chinese Philosophy as a rival approach in political theorizing. It is our goal to move away from such an antagonistic framing. Rather, we aim to explore what resources thinkers from east and west have to offer in times of crisis.

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Job at St. Andrews

University of St Andrews School of Modern Languages Professor of Chinese Studies – AC2219MR

The School of Modern Languages is seeking to appoint a founding Professor of Chinese Studies in the context of the University’s decision to create a new Department of Chinese Studies at the University of St Andrews. Applicants must hold a PhD in a relevant area of Chinese Cultural Studies and should possess native or near-native language skills in Chinese (Mandarin) and English. In addition, applicants should possess an internationally recognised record of research excellence, have a successful track record in attracting both external funding and postgraduate students, and demonstrate expertise in curriculum development and teaching. We welcome applications not only from current chair holders, but also from candidates who are advanced Readers/Senior Lecturers/Associate Professors.

Applications are invited from candidates with a specialist research interest in any area of Chinese Cultural Studies (including, but not limited to, Literary Studies, Film and Media Studies, Philosophy and Religion, and Cultural History). The ability to establish links across other disciplines within the University will be an advantage. We are seeking to recruit an individual with the strategic leadership and intellectual drive to generate an innovative curriculum that will appeal to future generations of students. An ability to oversee and manage the delivery of a successful language programme in Mandarin will be essential.

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