One-year lecturer in Asian Religions

The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Towson University (Baltimore, MD) is seeking a lecturer in Asian Religions for a one-year position starting in August 2023. Area of specialization within Asian Religions is open. It is a 4-4 teaching load. The first semester we anticipate the lecturer teaching one section of RLST 209: Religions Traditions of Asia (~25 students) and three sections of a Towson first-year Seminar, TSEM: Reading the Sacred (20 students/section). This latter class is wide-open for how the lecturer would like to teach it. Depending on enrollments, there is a slight chance that in Fall 2023, the lecturer may be expected to teach one or more sections of RLST 206: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam rather than some of the previous course options. Compensation is over $50,000. Please contact Dr. Suk Choi ( and Dr. Robert Tappan ( to express interest and for further information.

Job Openings: National Taiwan University

The Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University is inviting applications for three job openings, in Pre-Qin Confucianism, Ethics, and Comparative Philosophy. The teaching appointments are effective from August 1, 2023. Please click here for the full job descriptions and how to apply.

Job Opening: The City University of New York, Baruch College

The Department of Philosophy at Baruch College, CUNY, is seeking applicants for an Assistant Professor position, tenure track. The position will involve teaching introductory-level undergraduate courses as well as elective courses in the applicant’s area of expertise. We are seeking a philosopher with a strong research profile.

Area of Specialization: Non-Western Philosophy OR Value Theory
Area of Competence: Philosophy of Mind & Psychology (preferred)

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Job Opening: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is inviting scholars and scientists to join the university as an Assistant Professor or Associate Professor under the University’s flagship Vice-Chancellor Early Career Professorship Scheme. This portion is open to any Scholars and scientists in any discipline that have a PhD or equivalent degree obtained not more than 10 years earlier than the date of application. Read below for more information or click here for details on the CUHK’s website.

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Curtis’s Overview of 21-22 East Asian Studies jobs

Paula Curtis writes:

I am happy to announce the release of my data report and visualizations for the 2021-2022 academic job market cycle in East Asian Studies. Tracking categories such as desired discipline, desired region of specialization, track, location, and more, I provide a variety of information on the market in EAS for the most recent hiring season.

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Job Opening: American University

The Department of Philosophy and Religion in the College of Arts and Sciences at American University invites applications for a full-time, academic-year appointment in Asian philosophy at the rank of Professorial Lecturer beginning August 29, 2022. Teaching duties include introductory courses in Asian philosophy and one upper-level seminar. Capacity to teach religious heritage of Asia, religious ethics, or Global Ethics will be a plus. In addition to scholarship and teaching, responsibilities will include participation in department, school, and university activities. Applicants should hold a Ph.D.; however, ABD will be considered. Salary and benefits are competitive for a fulltime term appointment. The teaching load for the year is three courses per semester (fall and spring). Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit applications here: Include a letter of application, curriculum vita, three letters of recommendation, recent teaching evaluations (when possible), and a writing sample. Please contact Jin Y. Park, Chair of the Department at, if you have any questions.

“Non-Western” tenure-track jobs in philosophy

Back in April, Marcus Arvan put out this blog post analyzing which specializations were listed in the 2021-22 jobs posted at PhilJobs. He concludes that “Non-Western Philosophy” was the requested specialization in 5.8% of tenure-track jobs in this past year, which is pretty stable over the past several years. Note that if a job lists two specializations, then that counts as 0.5 of a job for each, and so on for even more potential specializations. He adds that another 6% of the tenure track jobs list Non-Western as a desired teaching competence (“area of competence”). We don’t have numbers ready-to-hand for the number of job seekers with one or another variety of “Non-Western” as an AOC, but I suspect that the ratio of seekers to jobs in this area compares favorably to most other areas of specialization. Which is not to say that getting a job in philosophy is ever easy!

Job Opening: Oxford, Associate Professorship of Classical Chinese and Medieval China

Associate Professorship (or Professorship) of Classical Chinese and Medieval China
Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Grade 30S: £48,114 – £64,605 p.a.

The Faculty of Oriental Studies and St. Anne’s College are recruiting an Associate Professor of Classical Chinese and Medieval China with outstanding research on China between the Han and Ming periods and a strong commitment to and experience in the teaching of Classical Chinese.

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