Two Upcoming ISCP Panels

Ann Pang-White, Executive Director of the ISCP, writes:

 Hope that you are enjoying the warmer early spring weather. ISCP is sponsoring two great panels at the American Philosophical Association-Pacific Division Meeting, April 5-10, 2021. On behalf of the executive committee, I would like to express our thanks to our APA-Pacific liaison, Dr. Joshua Mason (, for his excellent work in organizing these two panels. The details of the panels, the registration page of the conference, and the link to the meeting program are as follows. The information will also be posted at ISCP website:

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Updated info about 2022 ISCP Conference

Due to the global impact of the COVID-19, the 22nd International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) has been postponed from July 2021 to June 27–30, 2022. Updated information about the conference and about the Charles Fu Prize can he found here.

Postponement of ISCP 2021 International Conference

Ann A. Pang-White, Executive Director of the ISCP, writes: 
On behalf of the ISCP executive committee and the conference organizing committee, I am writing to inform you that due to the unusual circumstances of COVID and to ensure the success of the Shanghai international conference, we have decided to postpone the conference from July 2021 to June 27-30, 2022.  The postponement is based on careful consideration of several factors including availability & accessibility of vaccines, quarantine requirement once landed in Shanghai, and upon returning to the home country, etc. In the coming weeks, our host university, East China Normal University (Shanghai) together with our current president Prof. Guorong Yang, will provide us with information on the new extended deadlines for submissions and related matters (the university is currently on the Lunar New Year break).  The conference organizers will also send out notifications to authors who have already submitted their abstracts to inquire whether they would like their submissions to be automatically considered for the conference in light of the new dates.  The Fu Foundation Paper Contest will also continue with extended deadline.  For papers already submitted, if the authors’ papers are not yet published by June 2022 and would like to remain in the pool of the contest, their papers will still be considered. New submissions will also be welcome. A belated best wish to all of you for a very peaceful, healthy, and prosperous New Year of the Ox! May we be victorious in overcoming the predicament caused by COVID.

New ISCWP Officers

On behalf of my colleagues on the 2020 International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) Election Committee, I am happy to formally announce that Prof. SUN Wei has been elected Vice President, and Prof. Mercedes Valmisa has been elected Secretary-Treasurer, both for three-year terms beginning on July 1, 2020. Congratulations to both!

Many thanks to our retiring President (Prof. PENG Guoxiang) and Secretary-Treasurer (Prof. Mat Foust) for all of their efforts on behalf of the ISCWP, and congratulations to our current Vice-President, who will automatically take over as President, Prof. Alexus McLeod!

With best wishes to all for healthy, restorative, and fruitful summers,


News from ISCP

Ann A. Pang-White, Executive Director of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), writes:

Dear ISCP colleagues and friends,

The International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP) and I are pleased to announce the following new appointments:

a. Deputy Executive Director in North America: Dr. Xinyan Jiang (Redlands University)
b. Deputy Executive Director in China: Dr. Yao Xinzhong (Renmin University of China)
c. Deputy Secretary: Dr. Mathew Foust (Central Connecticut State University)
d. APA Eastern Liaison: Dr. Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of Pennsylvania)

We are very grateful to these dedicated colleagues, who have agreed to take on additional responsibilities amid their already very busy schedules. Our new website has reflected these new appointments. Please visit: (please note that our new web address has a number 1 after the word online).

Please join me in congratulating our new appointees. We look forward to working with you in continuing the excellent tradition of international discourse of Chinese philosophy, Asian philosophy related to Chinese thought, and intercultural comparative philosophy.

With all the best wishes,

Ann A. Pang-White, Ph.D.
Executive Director, International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP)


Professor of Philosophy & Director of Asian Studies
The University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania

ACPA Election Results

After the conclusion of the ACPA election, Professor Bongrae Seok has announced that the new board of officers of the Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) for 2020 and 2021 will be:

ACPA President (2020, 2012):
Dr. Suk Gabriel Choi
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Towson University
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

ACPA Vice-President (2020, 2021):
Dr. Jing Hu
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada

ACPA Secretary/Treasurer (2020, 2021):
Dr. Mercedes Valmisa
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Congratulations to all!

ISCP Election Results

The chair of the ISCP election committee, Professor Karyn Lai, has made the following announcement:

On behalf of the ad hoc election committee of the ISCP, together with Professors Robert Neville and Li Chenyang, I am delighted to announce the outcome of the ISCP voting process for positions from January 2020 to December 2021.

For the position of President: Professor Yang Guorong, East China Normal University
For the position of Vice President: Professor Jeeloo Liu, California State University, Fullerton.

Congratulations to both!