The Association of Chinese Philosophy will be organizing two panels at the 25th World Congress of Philosophy. This Conference will take place on August 1-8th, 2024 in Rome. The ACPA is currently accepting proposals for individual papers or panels to be considered for inclusion on two ACPA group sessions. The meeting are expected to be in person, and last 2 hours with 20 minutes for each presentation. The submission deadline is November 1st, 2023. Please read below for more information on submissions and the conference.
To submit your abstract please click here
Guidelines for abstract submission:
1.We encourage submissions that bring Chinese philosophy into conversation with contemporary discussions in other areas of philosophy.
2. Please submit your abstract by uploading a doc or docx file. For individual paper proposals, please submit a title and abstract. For panel proposals, a panel title and abstract are required in addition to the titles and abstracts for individual papers.
3.ACPA Membership is not required for consideration or acceptance, but we ask that you be a current ACPA member by the time we submit the session information to the World Congress Committee by December 2023.
4. If your circumstances change at any given moment that you can no longer travel to Rome for the meeting in August 2024, please let the board members know as soon as possible by writing to: